SPage 101
- English Word Scrutinize Definition To make scrutiny.
- English Word Scrutinized Definition of Scrutinize
- English Word Scrutinizer Definition One who scrutinizes.
- English Word Scrutinizing Definition of Scrutinize
- English Word Scrutinous Definition Closely examining, or inquiring; careful; sctrict.
- English Word Scrutiny Definition Close examination; minute inspection; critical observation.
- English Word Scrutiny Definition An examination of catechumens, in the last week of Lent, who were to receive baptism on Easter Day.
- English Word Scrutiny Definition A ticket, or little paper billet, on which a vote is written.
- English Word Scrutiny Definition An examination by a committee of the votes given at an election, for the purpose of correcting the poll.
- English Word Scrutiny Definition To scrutinize.
- English Word Scrutoire Definition A escritoire; a writing desk.
- English Word Scruze Definition To squeeze, compress, crush, or bruise.
- English Word Scry Definition To descry.
- English Word Scry Definition A flock of wild fowl.
- English Word Scry Definition A cry or shout.
- English Word Scud Definition To move swiftly; especially, to move as if driven forward by something.
- English Word Scud Definition To be driven swiftly, or to run, before a gale, with little or no sail spread.
- English Word Scud Definition To pass over quickly.
- English Word Scud Definition The act of scudding; a driving along; a rushing with precipitation.
- English Word Scud Definition Loose, vapory clouds driven swiftly by the wind.
- English Word Scud Definition A slight, sudden shower.
- English Word Scud Definition A small flight of larks, or other birds, less than a flock.
- English Word Scud Definition Any swimming amphipod crustacean.
- English Word Scudded Definition of Scud
- English Word Scudding Definition of Scud
- English Word Scuddle Definition To run hastily; to hurry; to scuttle.
- English Word Scudi Definition of Scudo
- English Word Scudo Definition A silver coin, and money of account, used in Italy and Sicily, varying in value, in different parts, but worth about 4 shillings sterling, or about 96 cents; also, a gold coin worth about the same.
- English Word Scudo Definition A gold coin of Rome, worth 64 shillings 11 pence sterling, or about $ 15.70.
- English Word Scuff Definition The back part of the neck; the scruff.