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  • English Word Provisor Definition One who procures or receives a papal provision. See Provision, 6.
  • English Word Provisorily Definition In a provisory manner; conditionally; subject to a proviso; as, to admit a doctrine provisorily.
  • English Word Provisorship Definition The office or position of a provisor.
  • English Word Provisory Definition Of the nature of a proviso; containing a proviso or condition; conditional; as, a provisory clause.
  • English Word Provisory Definition Making temporary provision; provisional.
  • English Word Provisos Definition of Proviso
  • English Word Provocation Definition The act of provoking, or causing vexation or, anger.
  • English Word Provocation Definition That which provokes, or excites anger; the cause of resentment; as, to give provocation.
  • English Word Provocation Definition Incitement; stimulus; as, provocation to mirth.
  • English Word Provocation Definition Such prior insult or injury as may be supposed, under the circumstances, to create hot blood, and to excuse an assault made in retort or redress.
  • English Word Provocation Definition An appeal to a court. [A Latinism]
  • English Word Provocative Definition Serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; exciting.
  • English Word Provocative Definition Anything that is provocative; a stimulant; as, a provocative of appetite.
  • English Word Provocativeness Definition Quality of being provocative.
  • English Word Provocatory Definition Provocative.
  • English Word Provokable Definition That may be provoked.
  • English Word Provoke Definition To call forth; to call into being or action; esp., to incense to action, a faculty or passion, as love, hate, or ambition; hence, commonly, to incite, as a person, to action by a challenge, by taunts, or by defiance; to exasperate; to irritate; to offend intolerably; to cause to retaliate.
  • English Word Provoke Definition To cause provocation or anger.
  • English Word Provoke Definition To appeal. [A Latinism]
  • English Word Provoked Definition of Provoke
  • English Word Provokement Definition The act that which, provokes; one who excites anger or other passion, or incites to action; as, a provoker of sedition.
  • English Word Provoking Definition of Provoke
  • English Word Provoking Definition Having the power or quality of exciting resentment; tending to awaken passion or vexation; as, provoking words or treatment.
  • English Word Provost Definition A person who is appointed to superintend, or preside over, something; the chief magistrate in some cities and towns; as, the provost of Edinburgh or of Glasgow, answering to the mayor of other cities; the provost of a college, answering to president; the provost or head of certain collegiate churches.
  • English Word Provost Definition The keeper of a prison.
  • English Word Provostship Definition The office of a provost.
  • English Word Prow Definition The fore part of a vessel; the bow; the stem; hence, the vessel itself.
  • English Word Prow Definition See Proa.
  • English Word Prow Definition Valiant; brave; gallant; courageous.
  • English Word Prow Definition Benefit; profit; good; advantage.