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  • English Word Provincial Definition Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical province, or to the jurisdiction of an archbishop; not ecumenical; as, a provincial synod.
  • English Word Provincial Definition Of or pertaining to Provence; Provencal.
  • English Word Provincial Definition A person belonging to a province; one who is provincial.
  • English Word Provincial Definition A monastic superior, who, under the general of his order, has the direction of all the religious houses of the same fraternity in a given district, called a province of the order.
  • English Word Provincialism Definition A word, or a manner of speaking, peculiar to a province or a district remote from the mother country or from the metropolis; a provincial characteristic; hence, narrowness; illiberality.
  • English Word Provincialist Definition One who lives in a province; a provincial.
  • English Word Provinciality Definition The quality or state of being provincial; peculiarity of language characteristic of a province.
  • English Word Provincialize Definition To render provincial.
  • English Word Provincialized Definition of Provincialize
  • English Word Provincializing Definition of Provincialize
  • English Word Provincially Definition In a provincial manner.
  • English Word Provinciate Definition To convert into a province or provinces.
  • English Word Provine Definition To lay a stock or branch of a vine in the ground for propagation.
  • English Word Proving Definition of Prove
  • English Word Provision Definition The act of providing, or making previous preparation.
  • English Word Provision Definition That which is provided or prepared; that which is brought together or arranged in advance; measures taken beforehand; preparation.
  • English Word Provision Definition Especially, a stock of food; any kind of eatables collected or stored; -- often in the plural.
  • English Word Provision Definition That which is stipulated in advance; a condition; a previous agreement; a proviso; as, the provisions of a contract; the statute has many provisions.
  • English Word Provision Definition A canonical term for regular induction into a benefice, comprehending nomination, collation, and installation.
  • English Word Provision Definition A nomination by the pope to a benefice before it became vacant, depriving the patron of his right of presentation.
  • English Word Provision Definition To supply with food; to victual; as, to provision a garrison.
  • English Word Provisional Definition Of the nature of a provision; serving as a provision for the time being; -- used of partial or temporary arrangements; as, a provisional government; a provisional treaty.
  • English Word Provisionally Definition By way of provision for the time being; temporarily.
  • English Word Provisionary Definition Provisional.
  • English Word Provisioned Definition of Provision
  • English Word Provisioning Definition of Provision
  • English Word Proviso Definition An article or clause in any statute, agreement, contract, grant, or other writing, by which a condition is introduced, usually beginning with the word provided; a conditional stipulation that affects an agreement, contract, law, grant, or the like; as, the contract was impaired by its proviso.
  • English Word Provisor Definition One who provides; a purveyor.
  • English Word Provisor Definition The purveyor, steward, or treasurer of a religious house.
  • English Word Provisor Definition One who is regularly inducted into a benefice. See Provision, 5.