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  • English Word Praising Definition of Praise
  • English Word Prakrit Definition Any one of the popular dialects descended from, or akin to, Sanskrit; -- in distinction from the Sanskrit, which was used as a literary and learned language when no longer spoken by the people. Pali is one of the Prakrit dialects.
  • English Word Prakritic Definition Pertaining to Prakrit.
  • English Word Pram Definition Alt. of Prame
  • English Word Prame Definition See Praam.
  • English Word Prance Definition To spring or bound, as a horse in high mettle.
  • English Word Prance Definition To ride on a prancing horse; to ride in an ostentatious manner.
  • English Word Prance Definition To walk or strut about in a pompous, showy manner, or with warlike parade.
  • English Word Pranced Definition of Prance
  • English Word Prancer Definition A horse which prances.
  • English Word Prancing Definition of Prance
  • English Word Prandial Definition Of or pertaining to a repast, especially to dinner.
  • English Word Prangos Definition A genus of umbelliferous plants, one species of which (P. pabularia), found in Thibet, Cashmere, Afghanistan, etc., has been used as fodder for cattle. It has decompound leaves with very long narrow divisions, and a highly fragrant smell resembling that of new clover hay.
  • English Word Prank Definition To adorn in a showy manner; to dress or equip ostentatiously; -- often followed by up; as, to prank up the body. See Prink.
  • English Word Prank Definition To make ostentatious show.
  • English Word Prank Definition A gay or sportive action; a ludicrous, merry, or mischievous trick; a caper; a frolic.
  • English Word Prank Definition Full of gambols or tricks.
  • English Word Pranked Definition of Prank
  • English Word Pranker Definition One who dresses showily; a prinker.
  • English Word Pranking Definition of Prank
  • English Word Prankish Definition Full of pranks; frolicsome.
  • English Word Prase Definition A variety of cryptocrystalline of a leek-green color.
  • English Word Praseo- Definition A combining form signifying green; as, praseocobalt, a green variety of cobalt.
  • English Word Praseodymium Definition An elementary substance, one of the constituents of didymium; -- so called from the green color of its salts. Symbol Ps. Atomic weight 143.6.
  • English Word Praseolite Definition A variety of altered iolite of a green color and greasy luster.
  • English Word Prasinous Definition Grass-green; clear, lively green, without any mixture.
  • English Word Prasoid Definition Resembling prase.
  • English Word Prate Definition To talk much and to little purpose; to be loquacious; to speak foolishly; to babble.
  • English Word Prate Definition To utter foolishly; to speak without reason or purpose; to chatter, or babble.
  • English Word Prate Definition Talk to little purpose; trifling talk; unmeaning loquacity.