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  • English Word Praefoliation Definition Same as Prefoliation.
  • English Word Praemaxilla Definition See Premaxilla.
  • English Word Praemnire Definition The subject to the penalties of praemunire.
  • English Word Praemolar Definition See Premolar.
  • English Word Praemorse Definition Same as Premorse.
  • English Word Praemunire Definition The offense of introducing foreign authority into England, the penalties for which were originally intended to depress the civil power of the pope in the kingdom.
  • English Word Praemunire Definition The writ grounded on that offense.
  • English Word Praemunire Definition The penalty ascribed for the offense of praemunire.
  • English Word Praemunitory Definition See Premunitory.
  • English Word Praenares Definition The anterior nares. See Nares.
  • English Word Praenasal Definition Same as Prenasal.
  • English Word Praenomen Definition The first name of a person, by which individuals of the same family were distinguished, answering to our Christian name, as Caius, Lucius, Marcus, etc.
  • English Word Praenomina Definition of Praenomen
  • English Word Praenominical Definition Of or pertaining to a praenomen.
  • English Word Praeoperculum Definition Same as Preoperculum.
  • English Word Praesternum Definition Same as Preoral, Prepubis, Prescapula, etc.
  • English Word Praeter- Definition A prefix. See Preter-.
  • English Word Praeterist Definition See Preterist.
  • English Word Praetermit Definition See Pretermit.
  • English Word Praetexta Definition A white robe with a purple border, worn by a Roman boy before he was entitled to wear the toga virilis, or until about the completion of his fourteenth year, and by girls until their marriage. It was also worn by magistrates and priests.
  • English Word Praetextae Definition of Praetexta
  • English Word Praetextas Definition of Praetexta
  • English Word Praetor Definition See Pretor.
  • English Word Praetores Definition A division of butterflies including the satyrs.
  • English Word Praetorian Definition See Pretorian.
  • English Word Praetorium Definition See Pretorium.
  • English Word Praezygapophysis Definition Same as Prezygapophysis.
  • English Word Pragmatic Definition Alt. of Pragmatical
  • English Word Pragmatic Definition One skilled in affairs.
  • English Word Pragmatic Definition A solemn public ordinance or decree.