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  • English Word Jubate Definition Fringed with long, pendent hair.
  • English Word Jube Definition chancel screen or rood screen.
  • English Word Jube Definition gallery above such a screen, from which certain parts of the service were formerly read.
  • English Word Jubilant Definition Uttering songs of triumph; shouting with joy; triumphant; exulting.
  • English Word Jubilantly Definition In a jubilant manner.
  • English Word Jubilar Definition Pertaining to, or having the character of, a jubilee.
  • English Word Jubilate Definition The third Sunday after Easter; -- so called because the introit is the 66th Psalm, which, in the Latin version, begins with the words, "Jubilate Deo."
  • English Word Jubilate Definition A name of the 100th Psalm; -- so called from its opening word in the Latin version.
  • English Word Jubilate Definition To exult; to rejoice.
  • English Word Jubilation Definition A triumphant shouting; rejoicing; exultation.
  • English Word Jubilee Definition Every fiftieth year, being the year following the completion of each seventh sabbath of years, at which time all the slaves of Hebrew blood were liberated, and all lands which had been alienated during the whole period reverted to their former owners.
  • English Word Jubilee Definition The joyful commemoration held on the fiftieth anniversary of any event; as, the jubilee of Queen Victoria's reign; the jubilee of the American Board of Missions.
  • English Word Jubilee Definition A church solemnity or ceremony celebrated at Rome, at stated intervals, originally of one hundred years, but latterly of twenty-five; a plenary and extraordinary indulgence grated by the sovereign pontiff to the universal church. One invariable condition of granting this indulgence is the confession of sins and receiving of the eucharist.
  • English Word Jubilee Definition A season of general joy.
  • English Word Jubilee Definition A state of joy or exultation.
  • English Word Jucundity Definition Pleasantness; agreeableness. See Jocundity.
  • English Word Judahite Definition One of the tribe of Judah; a member of the kingdom of Judah; a Jew.
  • English Word Judaic Definition Alt. of Judaical
  • English Word Judaical Definition Of or pertaining to the Jews.
  • English Word Judaically Definition After the Jewish manner.
  • English Word Judaism Definition The religious doctrines and rites of the Jews as enjoined in the laws of Moses.
  • English Word Judaism Definition Conformity to the Jewish rites and ceremonies.
  • English Word Judaist Definition One who believes and practices Judaism.
  • English Word Judaistic Definition Of or pertaining to Judaism.
  • English Word Judaization Definition The act of Judaizing; a conforming to the Jewish religion or ritual.
  • English Word Judaize Definition To conform to the doctrines, observances, or methods of the Jews; to inculcate or impose Judaism.
  • English Word Judaize Definition To impose Jewish observances or rites upon; to convert to Judaism.
  • English Word Judaized Definition of Judaize
  • English Word Judaizer Definition One who conforms to or inculcates Judaism; specifically, pl. (Ch. Hist.), those Jews who accepted Christianity but still adhered to the law of Moses and worshiped in the temple at Jerusalem.
  • English Word Judaizing Definition of Judaize