EPage 5
- English Word Earnest Definition To use in earnest.
- English Word Earnest Definition Something given, or a part paid beforehand, as a pledge; pledge; handsel; a token of what is to come.
- English Word Earnest Definition Something of value given by the buyer to the seller, by way of token or pledge, to bind the bargain and prove the sale.
- English Word Earnestful Definition Serious.
- English Word Earnestly Definition In an earnest manner.
- English Word Earnestness Definition The state or quality of being earnest; intentness; anxiety.
- English Word Earnful Definition Full of anxiety or yearning.
- English Word Earning Definition of Earn
- English Word Earning Definition That which is earned; wages gained by work or services; money earned; -- used commonly in the plural.
- English Word Earnings Definition of Earning
- English Word Earpick Definition An instrument for removing wax from the ear.
- English Word Earreach Definition Earshot.
- English Word Earring Definition An ornament consisting of a ring passed through the lobe of the ear, with or without a pendant.
- English Word Earsh Definition See Arrish.
- English Word Earshot Definition Reach of the ear; distance at which words may be heard.
- English Word Earshrift Definition A nickname for auricular confession; shrift.
- English Word Earsore Definition An annoyance to the ear.
- English Word Earst Definition See Erst.
- English Word Earth Definition A part of this globe; a region; a country; land.
- English Word Earth Definition A plowing.
- English Word Earth Definition To burrow.
- English Word Earth Definition To cover with earth or mold; to inter; to bury; -- sometimes with up.
- English Word Earth Definition To hide, or cause to hide, in the earth; to chase into a burrow or den.
- English Word Earth Definition A hole in the ground, where an animal hides himself; as, the earth of a fox.
- English Word Earth Definition A similar oxide, having a slight alkaline reaction, as lime, magnesia, strontia, baryta.
- English Word Earth Definition Any earthy-looking metallic oxide, as alumina, glucina, zirconia, yttria, and thoria.
- English Word Earth Definition The people on the globe.
- English Word Earth Definition The softer inorganic matter composing part of the surface of the globe, in distinction from the firm rock; soil of all kinds, including gravel, clay, loam, and the like; sometimes, soil favorable to the growth of plants; the visible surface of the globe; the ground; as, loose earth; rich earth.
- English Word Earth Definition The solid materials which make up the globe, in distinction from the air or water; the dry land.
- English Word Earth Definition The globe or planet which we inhabit; the world, in distinction from the sun, moon, or stars. Also, this world as the dwelling place of mortals, in distinction from the dwelling place of spirits.