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- English Word Euphonicon Definition A kind of upright piano.
- English Word Euphonies Definition of Euphony
- English Word Euphonious Definition Pleasing or sweet in sound; euphonic; smooth-sounding.
- English Word Euphonism Definition An agreeable combination of sounds; euphony.
- English Word Euphonium Definition A bass instrument of the saxhorn family.
- English Word Euphonize Definition To make euphonic.
- English Word Euphonon Definition An instrument resembling the organ in tine and the upright piano in form. It is characterized by great strength and sweetness of tone.
- English Word Euphonous Definition Euphonious.
- English Word Euphony Definition A pleasing or sweet sound; an easy, smooth enunciation of sounds; a pronunciation of letters and syllables which is pleasing to the ear.
- English Word Euphorbia Definition Spurge, or bastard spurge, a genus of plants of many species, mostly shrubby, herbaceous succulents, affording an acrid, milky juice. Some of them are armed with thorns. Most of them yield powerful emetic and cathartic products.
- English Word Euphorbiaceous Definition Alt. of Euphorbial
- English Word Euphorbial Definition Of, relating to, or resembling, the Euphorbia family.
- English Word Euphorbin Euphorbine Definition A principle, or mixture of principles, derived from various species of Euphorbia.
- English Word Euphorbium Definition An inodorous exudation, usually in the form of yellow tears, produced chiefly by the African Euphorbia resinifrea. It was formerly employed medicinally, but was found so violent in its effects that its use is nearly abandoned.
- English Word Euphotide Definition A rock occurring in the Alps, consisting of saussurite and smaragdite; -- sometimes called gabbro.
- English Word Euphrasy Definition The plant eyesight (euphrasia officionalis), formerly regarded as beneficial in disorders of the eyes.
- English Word Euphroe Definition A block or long slat of wood, perforated for the passage of the crowfoot, or cords by which an awning is held up.
- English Word Euphuism Definition An affectation of excessive elegance and refinement of language; high-flown diction.
- English Word Euphuist Definition One who affects excessive refinement and elegance of language; -- applied esp. to a class of writers, in the age of Elizabeth, whose productions are marked by affected conceits and high-flown diction.
- English Word Euphuistic Definition Belonging to the euphuists, or euphuism; affectedly refined.
- English Word Euphuize Definition To affect excessive refinement in language; to be overnice in expression.
- English Word Eupione Definition A limpid, oily liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of various vegetable and animal substances; -- specifically, an oil consisting largely of the higher hydrocarbons of the paraffin series.
- English Word Eupittone Definition A yellow, crystalline substance, resembling aurin, and obtained by the oxidation of pittacal; -- called also eupittonic acid.
- English Word Eupittonic Definition Pertaining to, or derived from, eupittone.
- English Word Euplastic Definition Having the capacity of becoming organizable in a high degree, as the matter forming the false membranes which sometimes result from acute inflammation in a healthy person.
- English Word Euplastic Definition Organizable substance by which the tissues of an animal body are renewed.
- English Word Euplectella Definition A genus of elegant, glassy sponges, consisting of interwoven siliceous fibers, and growing in the form of a cornucopia; -- called also Venus's flower-basket.
- English Word Euplexoptera Definition An order of insects, including the earwig. The anterior wings are short, in the form of elytra, while the posterior wings fold up beneath them. See Earwig.
- English Word Eupnaea Definition Normal breathing where arterialization of the blood is normal, in distinction from dyspnaea, in which the blood is insufficiently arterialized.
- English Word Eupryion Definition A contrivance for obtaining a light instantaneous, as a lucifer match.