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- English Word Eugenic Definition Well-born; of high birth.
- English Word Eugenics Definition The science of improving stock, whether human or animal.
- English Word Eugenin Definition A colorless, crystalline substance extracted from oil of cloves; -- called also clove camphor.
- English Word Eugenol Definition A colorless, aromatic, liquid hydrocarbon, C10H12O2 resembling the phenols, and hence also called eugenic acid. It is found in the oils of pimento and cloves.
- English Word Eugeny Definition Nobleness of birth.
- English Word Eugetic Definition Alt. of Eugetinic
- English Word Eugetinic Definition Pertaining to, or derived from, eugenol; as, eugetic acid.
- English Word Eugh Definition The yew.
- English Word Eugubian Definition Alt. of Eugubine
- English Word Eugubine Definition Of or pertaining to the ancient town of Eugubium (now Gubbio); as, the Eugubine tablets, or tables, or inscriptions.
- English Word Euharmonic Definition Producing mathematically perfect harmony or concord; sweetly or perfectly harmonious.
- English Word Euhemerism Definition The theory, held by Euhemerus, that the gods of mythology were but deified mortals, and their deeds only the amplification in imagination of human acts.
- English Word Euhemerist Definition One who advocates euhemerism.
- English Word Euhemeristic Definition Of or pertaining to euhemerism.
- English Word Euhemerize Definition To interpret (mythology) on the theory of euhemerism.
- English Word Euisopoda Definition A group which includes the typical Isopoda.
- English Word Eulachon Definition The candlefish. [Written also oulachan, oolacan, and ulikon.] See Candlefish.
- English Word Eulerian Definition Pertaining to Euler, a German mathematician of the 18th century.
- English Word Eulogic Definition Alt. of Eulogical
- English Word Eulogical Definition Bestowing praise of eulogy; commendatory; eulogistic.
- English Word Eulogies Definition of Eulogy
- English Word Eulogist Definition One who eulogizes or praises; panegyrist; encomiast.
- English Word Eulogistic Definition Alt. of Eulogistical
- English Word Eulogistical Definition Of or pertaining to eulogy; characterized by eulogy; bestowing praise; panegyrical; commendatory; laudatory; as, eulogistic speech or discourse.
- English Word Eulogium Definition A formal eulogy.
- English Word Eulogiums Definition of Eulogium
- English Word Eulogize Definition To speak or write in commendation of (another); to extol in speech or writing; to praise.
- English Word Eulogized Definition of Eulogize
- English Word Eulogizing Definition of Eulogize
- English Word Eulogy Definition A speech or writing in commendation of the character or services of a person; as, a fitting eulogy to worth.