EPage 114
- English Word Ensearch Definition To search for.
- English Word Enseel Definition To close eyes of; to seel; -- said in reference to a hawk.
- English Word Enseint Definition With child; pregnant. See Enceinte.
- English Word Ensemble Definition The whole; all the parts taken together.
- English Word Ensemble Definition All at once; together.
- English Word Enshedule Definition To insert in a schedule. See Schedule.
- English Word Enshelter Definition To shelter.
- English Word Enshield Definition To defend, as with a shield; to shield.
- English Word Enshield Definition Shielded; enshielded.
- English Word Enshrine Definition To inclose in a shrine or chest; hence, to preserve or cherish as something sacred; as, to enshrine something in memory.
- English Word Enshrined Definition of Enshrine
- English Word Enshrining Definition of Enshrine
- English Word Enshroud Definition To cover with, or as with, a shroud; to shroud.
- English Word Ensiferous Definition Bearing a sword.
- English Word Ensiform Definition Having the form of a sword blade; sword-shaped; as, an ensiform leaf.
- English Word Ensign Definition A flag; a banner; a standard; esp., the national flag, or a banner indicating nationality, carried by a ship or a body of soldiers; -- as distinguished from flags indicating divisions of the army, rank of naval officers, or private signals, and the like.
- English Word Ensign Definition A signal displayed like a standard, to give notice.
- English Word Ensign Definition Sign; badge of office, rank, or power; symbol.
- English Word Ensign Definition Formerly, a commissioned officer of the army who carried the ensign or flag of a company or regiment.
- English Word Ensign Definition A commissioned officer of the lowest grade in the navy, corresponding to the grade of second lieutenant in the army.
- English Word Ensign Definition To designate as by an ensign.
- English Word Ensign Definition To distinguish by a mark or ornament; esp. (Her.), by a crown; thus, any charge which has a crown immediately above or upon it, is said to be ensigned.
- English Word Ensigncies Definition of Ensigncy
- English Word Ensigncy Definition The rank or office of an ensign.
- English Word Ensignship Definition The state or rank of an ensign.
- English Word Ensilage Definition The process of preserving fodder (such as cornstalks, rye, oats, millet, etc.) by compressing it while green and fresh in a pit or vat called a silo, where it is kept covered from the air; as the ensilage of fodder.
- English Word Ensilage Definition The fodder preserved in a silo.
- English Word Ensilage Definition To preserve in a silo; as, to ensilage cornstalks.
- English Word Ensilaged Definition of Ensilage
- English Word Ensilaging Definition of Ensilage