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- English Word Enquicken Definition To quicken; to make alive.
- English Word Enquire Definition See Inquire.
- English Word Enquirer Definition See Inquirer.
- English Word Enquiry Definition See Inquiry.
- English Word Enrace Definition To enroot; to implant.
- English Word Enrage Definition To fill with rage; to provoke to frenzy or madness; to make furious.
- English Word Enraged Definition of Enrage
- English Word Enragement Definition Act of enraging or state of being enraged; excitement.
- English Word Enraging Definition of Enrage
- English Word Enrange Definition To range in order; to put in rank; to arrange.
- English Word Enrange Definition To rove over; to range.
- English Word Enrank Definition To place in ranks or in order.
- English Word Enrapt Definition Thrown into ecstasy; transported; enraptured.
- English Word Enrapture Definition To transport with pleasure; to delight beyond measure; to enravish.
- English Word Enraptured Definition of Enrapture
- English Word Enrapturing Definition of Enrapture
- English Word Enravish Definition To transport with delight; to enrapture; to fascinate.
- English Word Enravishingly Definition So as to throw into ecstasy.
- English Word Enravishment Definition The state of being enravished or enraptured; ecstasy; rapture.
- English Word Enregister Definition To register; to enroll or record; to inregister.
- English Word Enrheum Definition To contract a rheum.
- English Word Enrich Definition To make rich with any kind of wealth; to render opulent; to increase the possessions of; as, to enrich the understanding with knowledge.
- English Word Enrich Definition To supply with ornament; to adorn; as, to enrich a ceiling by frescoes.
- English Word Enrich Definition To make rich with manure; to fertilize; -- said of the soil; as, to enrich land by irrigation.
- English Word Enrich Definition To supply with knowledge; to instruct; to store; -- said of the mind.
- English Word Enriched Definition of Enrich
- English Word Enricher Definition One who enriches.
- English Word Enriching Definition of Enrich
- English Word Enrichment Definition The act of making rich, or that which enriches; increase of value by improvements, embellishment, etc.; decoration; embellishment.
- English Word Enridge Definition To form into ridges.