APage 87
- English Word Adultery Definition The unfaithfulness of a married person to the marriage bed; sexual intercourse by a married man with another than his wife, or voluntary sexual intercourse by a married woman with another than her husband.
- English Word Adultery Definition Adulteration; corruption.
- English Word Adultery Definition Lewdness or unchastity of thought as well as act, as forbidden by the seventh commandment.
- English Word Adultery Definition Faithlessness in religion.
- English Word Adultery Definition The fine and penalty imposed for the offense of adultery.
- English Word Adultery Definition The intrusion of a person into a bishopric during the life of the bishop.
- English Word Adultery Definition Injury; degradation; ruin.
- English Word Adultness Definition The state of being adult.
- English Word Adumbrant Definition Giving a faint shadow, or slight resemblance; shadowing forth.
- English Word Adumbrate Definition To give a faint shadow or slight representation of; to outline; to shadow forth.
- English Word Adumbrate Definition To overshadow; to shade.
- English Word Adumbration Definition The act of adumbrating, or shadowing forth.
- English Word Adumbration Definition A faint sketch; an outline; an imperfect portrayal or representation of a thing.
- English Word Adumbration Definition The shadow or outlines of a figure.
- English Word Adumbrative Definition Faintly representing; typical.
- English Word Adunation Definition A uniting; union.
- English Word Adunc Definition Alt. of Adunque
- English Word Aduncity Definition Curvature inwards; hookedness.
- English Word Aduncous Definition Curved inwards; hooked.
- English Word Adunque Definition Hooked; as, a parrot has an adunc bill.
- English Word Adure Definition To burn up.
- English Word Adust Definition Inflamed or scorched; fiery.
- English Word Adust Definition Looking as if or scorched; sunburnt.
- English Word Adust Definition Having much heat in the constitution and little serum in the blood. [Obs.] Hence: Atrabilious; sallow; gloomy.
- English Word Adusted Definition Burnt; adust.
- English Word Adustible Definition That may be burnt.
- English Word Adustion Definition The act of burning, or heating to dryness; the state of being thus heated or dried.
- English Word Adustion Definition Cauterization.
- English Word Advance Definition To bring forward; to move towards the van or front; to make to go on.
- English Word Advance Definition To raise; to elevate.