APage 81
- English Word Admire Definition To regard with wonder or astonishment; to view with surprise; to marvel at.
- English Word Admire Definition To regard with wonder and delight; to look upon with an elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out approbation, esteem, love, or reverence; to estimate or prize highly; as, to admire a person of high moral worth, to admire a landscape.
- English Word Admire Definition To wonder; to marvel; to be affected with surprise; -- sometimes with at.
- English Word Admired Definition of Admire
- English Word Admired Definition Regarded with wonder and delight; highly prized; as, an admired poem.
- English Word Admired Definition Wonderful; also, admirable.
- English Word Admirer Definition One who admires; one who esteems or loves greatly.
- English Word Admiring Definition of Admire
- English Word Admiring Definition Expressing admiration; as, an admiring glance.
- English Word Admissibility Definition The quality of being admissible; admissibleness; as, the admissibility of evidence.
- English Word Admissible Definition Entitled to be admitted, or worthy of being admitted; that may be allowed or conceded; allowable; as, the supposition is hardly admissible.
- English Word Admission Definition The act or practice of admitting.
- English Word Admission Definition Power or permission to enter; admittance; entrance; access; power to approach.
- English Word Admission Definition The granting of an argument or position not fully proved; the act of acknowledging something /serted; acknowledgment; concession.
- English Word Admission Definition Acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another, and distinguishable from a confession in that an admission presupposes prior inquiry by another, but a confession may be made without such inquiry.
- English Word Admission Definition A fact, point, or statement admitted; as, admission made out of court are received in evidence.
- English Word Admission Definition Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the church to which he is presented.
- English Word Admissive Definition Implying an admission; tending to admit.
- English Word Admissory Definition Pertaining to admission.
- English Word Admit Definition To suffer to enter; to grant entrance, whether into a place, or into the mind, or consideration; to receive; to take; as, they were into his house; to admit a serious thought into the mind; to admit evidence in the trial of a cause.
- English Word Admit Definition To give a right of entrance; as, a ticket admits one into a playhouse.
- English Word Admit Definition To allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege; to recognize as qualified for a franchise; as, to admit an attorney to practice law; the prisoner was admitted to bail.
- English Word Admit Definition To concede as true; to acknowledge or assent to, as an allegation which it is impossible to deny; to own or confess; as, the argument or fact is admitted; he admitted his guilt.
- English Word Admit Definition To be capable of; to permit; as, the words do not admit such a construction. In this sense, of may be used after the verb, or may be omitted.
- English Word Admittable Definition Admissible.
- English Word Admittance Definition The act of admitting.
- English Word Admittance Definition Permission to enter; the power or right of entrance; also, actual entrance; reception.
- English Word Admittance Definition Concession; admission; allowance; as, the admittance of an argument.
- English Word Admittance Definition Admissibility.
- English Word Admittance Definition The act of giving possession of a copyhold estate.