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  • English Word Address Definition Act of preparing one's self.
  • English Word Address Definition Act of addressing one's self to a person; verbal application.
  • English Word Address Definition A formal communication, either written or spoken; a discourse; a speech; a formal application to any one; a petition; a formal statement on some subject or special occasion; as, an address of thanks, an address to the voters.
  • English Word Address Definition Direction or superscription of a letter, or the name, title, and place of residence of the person addressed.
  • English Word Address Definition Manner of speaking to another; delivery; as, a man of pleasing or insinuating address.
  • English Word Address Definition Attention in the way one's addresses to a lady.
  • English Word Address Definition Skill; skillful management; dexterity; adroitness.
  • English Word Addressed Definition of Address
  • English Word Addressee Definition One to whom anything is addressed.
  • English Word Addressing Definition of Address
  • English Word Addression Definition The act of addressing or directing one's course.
  • English Word Adduce Definition To bring forward or offer, as an argument, passage, or consideration which bears on a statement or case; to cite; to allege.
  • English Word Adduced Definition of Adduce
  • English Word Adducent Definition Bringing together or towards a given point; -- a word applied to those muscles of the body which pull one part towards another. Opposed to abducent.
  • English Word Adducer Definition One who adduces.
  • English Word Adducible Definition Capable of being adduced.
  • English Word Adducing Definition of Adduce
  • English Word Adduct Definition To draw towards a common center or a middle line.
  • English Word Adduction Definition The act of adducing or bringing forward.
  • English Word Adduction Definition The action by which the parts of the body are drawn towards its axis]; -- opposed to abduction.
  • English Word Adductive Definition Adducing, or bringing towards or to something.
  • English Word Adductor Definition A muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes extended parts of the body; -- opposed to abductor; as, the adductor of the eye, which turns the eye toward the nose.
  • English Word Addulce Definition To sweeten; to soothe.
  • English Word Adeem Definition To revoke, as a legacy, grant, etc., or to satisfy it by some other gift.
  • English Word Adelantadillo Definition A Spanish red wine made of the first ripe grapes.
  • English Word Adelantado Definition A governor of a province; a commander.
  • English Word Adelaster Definition A provisional name for a plant which has not had its flowers botanically examined, and therefore has not been referred to its proper genus.
  • English Word Adeling Definition Same as Atheling.
  • English Word Adelocodonic Definition Applied to sexual zooids of hydroids, that have a saclike form and do not become free; -- opposed to phanerocodonic.
  • English Word Adelopod Definition An animal having feet that are not apparent.