APage 55
- English Word Aconite Definition The herb wolfsbane, or monkshood; -- applied to any plant of the genus Aconitum (tribe Hellebore), all the species of which are poisonous.
- English Word Aconite Definition An extract or tincture obtained from Aconitum napellus, used as a poison and medicinally.
- English Word Aconitia Definition Same as Aconitine.
- English Word Aconitic Definition Of or pertaining to aconite.
- English Word Aconitine Definition An intensely poisonous alkaloid, extracted from aconite.
- English Word Aconitum Definition The poisonous herb aconite; also, an extract from it.
- English Word Acontia Definition Threadlike defensive organs, composed largely of nettling cells (cnidae), thrown out of the mouth or special pores of certain Actiniae when irritated.
- English Word Acontias Definition Anciently, a snake, called dart snake; now, one of a genus of reptiles closely allied to the lizards.
- English Word Acopic Definition Relieving weariness; restorative.
- English Word Acorn Definition The fruit of the oak, being an oval nut growing in a woody cup or cupule.
- English Word Acorn Definition A cone-shaped piece of wood on the point of the spindle above the vane, on the mast-head.
- English Word Acorn Definition See Acorn-shell.
- English Word Acorn cup Definition The involucre or cup in which the acorn is fixed.
- English Word Acorn-shell Definition One of the sessile cirripeds; a barnacle of the genus Balanus. See Barnacle.
- English Word Acorned Definition Furnished or loaded with acorns.
- English Word Acorned Definition Fed or filled with acorns.
- English Word Acosmism Definition A denial of the existence of the universe as distinct from God.
- English Word Acosmist Definition One who denies the existence of the universe, or of a universe as distinct from God.
- English Word Acotyledon Definition A plant which has no cotyledons, as the dodder and all flowerless plants.
- English Word Acotyledonous Definition Having no seed lobes, as the dodder; also applied to plants which have no true seeds, as ferns, mosses, etc.
- English Word Acouchy Definition A small species of agouti (Dasyprocta acouchy).
- English Word Acoumeter Definition An instrument for measuring the acuteness of the sense of hearing.
- English Word Acoumetry Definition The measuring of the power or extent of hearing.
- English Word Acoustic Definition Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds; auditory.
- English Word Acoustic Definition A medicine or agent to assist hearing.
- English Word Acoustical Definition Of or pertaining to acoustics.
- English Word Acoustically Definition In relation to sound or to hearing.
- English Word Acoustician Definition One versed in acoustics.
- English Word Acoustics Definition The science of sounds, teaching their nature, phenomena, and laws.
- English Word Acquaint Definition Acquainted.