APage 40
- English Word Accommodator Definition He who, or that which, accommodates.
- English Word Accompanable Definition Sociable.
- English Word Accompanied Definition of Accompany
- English Word Accompanier Definition He who, or that which, accompanies.
- English Word Accompaniment Definition That which accompanies; something that attends as a circumstance, or which is added to give greater completeness to the principal thing, or by way of ornament, or for the sake of symmetry.
- English Word Accompaniment Definition A part performed by instruments, accompanying another part or parts performed by voices; the subordinate part, or parts, accompanying the voice or a principal instrument; also, the harmony of a figured bass.
- English Word Accompanist Definition The performer in music who takes the accompanying part.
- English Word Accompany Definition To go with or attend as a companion or associate; to keep company with; to go along with; -- followed by with or by; as, he accompanied his speech with a bow.
- English Word Accompany Definition To cohabit with.
- English Word Accompany Definition To associate in a company; to keep company.
- English Word Accompany Definition To cohabit (with).
- English Word Accompany Definition To perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition.
- English Word Accompanying Definition of Accompany
- English Word Accompletive Definition Tending to accomplish.
- English Word Accomplice Definition A cooperator.
- English Word Accomplice Definition An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory.
- English Word Accompliceship Definition The state of being an accomplice.
- English Word Accomplicity Definition The act or state of being an accomplice.
- English Word Accomplish Definition To complete, as time or distance.
- English Word Accomplish Definition To bring to an issue of full success; to effect; to perform; to execute fully; to fulfill; as, to accomplish a design, an object, a promise.
- English Word Accomplish Definition To equip or furnish thoroughly; hence, to complete in acquirements; to render accomplished; to polish.
- English Word Accomplish Definition To gain; to obtain.
- English Word Accomplishable Definition Capable of being accomplished; practicable.
- English Word Accomplished Definition of Accomplish
- English Word Accomplished Definition Completed; effected; established; as, an accomplished fact.
- English Word Accomplished Definition Complete in acquirements as the result usually of training; -- commonly in a good sense; as, an accomplished scholar, an accomplished villain.
- English Word Accomplisher Definition One who accomplishes.
- English Word Accomplishing Definition of Accomplish
- English Word Accomplishment Definition The act of accomplishing; entire performance; completion; fulfillment; as, the accomplishment of an enterprise, of a prophecy, etc.
- English Word Accomplishment Definition That which completes, perfects, or equips thoroughly; acquirement; attainment; that which constitutes excellence of mind, or elegance of manners, acquired by education or training.