APage 24
- English Word Absolutist Definition One who believes that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the absolute.
- English Word Absolutist Definition Of or pertaining to absolutism; arbitrary; despotic; as, absolutist principles.
- English Word Absolutistic Definition Pertaining to absolutism; absolutist.
- English Word Absolutory Definition Serving to absolve; absolving.
- English Word Absolvable Definition That may be absolved.
- English Word Absolvatory Definition Conferring absolution; absolutory.
- English Word Absolve Definition To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such ties as it would be sin or guilt to violate; to pronounce free; as, to absolve a subject from his allegiance; to absolve an offender, which amounts to an acquittal and remission of his punishment.
- English Word Absolve Definition To free from a penalty; to pardon; to remit (a sin); -- said of the sin or guilt.
- English Word Absolve Definition To finish; to accomplish.
- English Word Absolve Definition To resolve or explain.
- English Word Absolved Definition of Absolve
- English Word Absolvent Definition Absolving.
- English Word Absolvent Definition An absolver.
- English Word Absolver Definition One who absolves.
- English Word Absolving Definition of Absolve
- English Word Absonant Definition Discordant; contrary; -- opposed to consonant.
- English Word Absonous Definition Discordant; inharmonious; incongruous.
- English Word Absorb Definition To swallow up; to engulf; to overwhelm; to cause to disappear as if by swallowing up; to use up; to include.
- English Word Absorb Definition To suck up; to drink in; to imbibe; as a sponge or as the lacteals of the body.
- English Word Absorb Definition To engross or engage wholly; to occupy fully; as, absorbed in study or the pursuit of wealth.
- English Word Absorb Definition To take up by cohesive, chemical, or any molecular action, as when charcoal absorbs gases. So heat, light, and electricity are absorbed or taken up in the substances into which they pass.
- English Word Absorbability Definition The state or quality of being absorbable.
- English Word Absorbable Definition Capable of being absorbed or swallowed up.
- English Word Absorbed Definition of Absorb
- English Word Absorbedly Definition In a manner as if wholly engrossed or engaged.
- English Word Absorbency Definition Absorptiveness.
- English Word Absorbent Definition Absorbing; swallowing; absorptive.
- English Word Absorbent Definition Anything which absorbs.
- English Word Absorbent Definition Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc.; also a substance e. g., iodine) which acts on the absorbent vessels so as to reduce enlarged and indurated parts.
- English Word Absorbent Definition The vessels by which the processes of absorption are carried on, as the lymphatics in animals, the extremities of the roots in plants.