APage 136
- English Word Ale Definition A festival in English country places, so called from the liquor drunk.
- English Word Ale silver Definition A duty payable to the lord mayor of London by the sellers of ale within the city.
- English Word Ale-knight Definition A pot companion.
- English Word Aleak Definition In a leaking condition.
- English Word Aleatory Definition Depending on some uncertain contingency; as, an aleatory contract.
- English Word Alebench Definition A bench in or before an alehouse.
- English Word Aleberry Definition A beverage, formerly made by boiling ale with spice, sugar, and sops of bread.
- English Word Alecithal Definition Applied to those ova which segment uniformly, and which have little or no food yelk embedded in their protoplasm.
- English Word Aleconner Definition Orig., an officer appointed to look to the goodness of ale and beer; also, one of the officers chosen by the liverymen of London to inspect the measures used in public houses. But the office is a sinecure. [Also called aletaster.]
- English Word Alecost Definition The plant costmary, which was formerly much used for flavoring ale.
- English Word Alectorides Definition A group of birds including the common fowl and the pheasants.
- English Word Alectoromachy Definition Cockfighting.
- English Word Alectoromancy Definition See Alectryomancy.
- English Word Alectryom'achy Definition Cockfighting.
- English Word Alectryomancy Definition Divination by means of a cock and grains of corn placed on the letters of the alphabet, the letters being put together in the order in which the grains were eaten.
- English Word Alee Definition On or toward the lee, or the side away from the wind; the opposite of aweather. The helm of a ship is alee when pressed close to the lee side.
- English Word Alegar Definition Sour ale; vinegar made of ale.
- English Word Aleger Definition Gay; cheerful; sprightly.
- English Word Alegge Definition To allay or alleviate; to lighten.
- English Word Alehoof Definition Ground ivy (Nepeta Glechoma).
- English Word Alehouse Definition A house where ale is retailed; hence, a tippling house.
- English Word Alemannic Definition Belonging to the Alemanni, a confederacy of warlike German tribes.
- English Word Alemannic Definition The language of the Alemanni.
- English Word Alembic Definition An apparatus formerly used in distillation, usually made of glass or metal. It has mostly given place to the retort and worm still.
- English Word Alembroth Definition The salt of wisdom of the alchemists, a double salt composed of the chlorides of ammonium and mercury. It was formerly used as a stimulant.
- English Word Alen/on lace Definition See under Lace.
- English Word Alength Definition At full length; lengthwise.
- English Word Alepidote Definition Not having scales.
- English Word Alepidote Definition A fish without scales.
- English Word Alepole Definition A pole set up as the sign of an alehouse.