APage 130
- English Word Alarm Definition To keep in excitement; to disturb.
- English Word Alarm Definition To surprise with apprehension of danger; to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear.
- English Word Alarmable Definition Easily alarmed or disturbed.
- English Word Alarmed Definition of Alarm
- English Word Alarmed Definition Aroused to vigilance; excited by fear of approaching danger; agitated; disturbed; as, an alarmed neighborhood; an alarmed modesty.
- English Word Alarmedly Definition In an alarmed manner.
- English Word Alarming Definition of Alarm
- English Word Alarming Definition Exciting, or calculated to excite, alarm; causing apprehension of danger; as, an alarming crisis or report. -- A*larm"ing*ly, adv.
- English Word Alarmist Definition One prone to sound or excite alarms, especially, needless alarms.
- English Word Alarum Definition See Alarm.
- English Word Alary Definition Of or pertaining to wings; also, wing-shaped.
- English Word Alas Definition An exclamation expressive of sorrow, pity, or apprehension of evil; -- in old writers, sometimes followed by day or white; alas the day, like alack a day, or alas the white.
- English Word Alate Definition Lately; of late.
- English Word Alate Definition Alt. of Alated
- English Word Alated Definition Winged; having wings, or side appendages like wings.
- English Word Alatern Definition Alt. of Alaternus
- English Word Alaternus Definition An ornamental evergreen shrub (Rhamnus alaternus) belonging to the buckthorns.
- English Word Alation Definition The state of being winged.
- English Word Alaunt Definition See Alan.
- English Word Alb Definition A vestment of white linen, reaching to the feet, an enveloping the person; -- in the Roman Catholic church, worn by those in holy orders when officiating at mass. It was formerly worn, at least by clerics, in daily life.
- English Word Albacore Definition See Albicore.
- English Word Alban Definition A white crystalline resinous substance extracted from gutta-percha by the action of alcohol or ether.
- English Word Albanian Definition Of or pertaining to Albania, a province of Turkey.
- English Word Albanian Definition A native of Albania.
- English Word Albata Definition A white metallic alloy; which is made into spoons, forks, teapots, etc. British plate or German silver. See German silver, under German.
- English Word Albatross Definition A web-footed bird, of the genus Diomedea, of which there are several species. They are the largest of sea birds, capable of long-continued flight, and are often seen at great distances from the land. They are found chiefly in the southern hemisphere.
- English Word Albe Definition Alt. of Albee
- English Word Albedo Definition Whiteness. Specifically: (Astron.) The ratio which the light reflected from an unpolished surface bears to the total light falling upon that surface.
- English Word Albee Definition Although; albeit.
- English Word Albeit Definition Even though; although; notwithstanding.