APage 102
- English Word Affirmant Definition One who affirms, instead of taking an oath.
- English Word Affirmation Definition Confirmation of anything established; ratification; as, the affirmation of a law.
- English Word Affirmation Definition The act of affirming or asserting as true; assertion; -- opposed to negation or denial.
- English Word Affirmation Definition That which is asserted; an assertion; a positive statement; an averment; as, an affirmation, by the vender, of title to property sold, or of its quality.
- English Word Affirmation Definition A solemn declaration made under the penalties of perjury, by persons who conscientiously decline taking an oath, which declaration is in law equivalent to an oath.
- English Word Affirmative Definition Confirmative; ratifying; as, an act affirmative of common law.
- English Word Affirmative Definition That affirms; asserting that the fact is so; declaratory of what exists; answering "yes" to a question; -- opposed to negative; as, an affirmative answer; an affirmative vote.
- English Word Affirmative Definition Positive; dogmatic.
- English Word Affirmative Definition Expressing the agreement of the two terms of a proposition.
- English Word Affirmative Definition Positive; -- a term applied to quantities which are to be added, and opposed to negative, or such as are to be subtracted.
- English Word Affirmative Definition That which affirms as opposed to that which denies; an affirmative proposition; that side of question which affirms or maintains the proposition stated; -- opposed to negative; as, there were forty votes in the affirmative, and ten in the negative.
- English Word Affirmative Definition A word or phrase expressing affirmation or assent; as, yes, that is so, etc.
- English Word Affirmatively Definition In an affirmative manner; on the affirmative side of a question; in the affirmative; -- opposed to negatively.
- English Word Affirmatory Definition Giving affirmation; assertive; affirmative.
- English Word Affirmed Definition of Affirm
- English Word Affirmer Definition One who affirms.
- English Word Affirming Definition of Affirm
- English Word Affix Definition To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end; to append to; to fix to any part of; as, to affix a syllable to a word; to affix a seal to an instrument; to affix one's name to a writing.
- English Word Affix Definition To fix or fasten in any way; to attach physically.
- English Word Affix Definition To attach, unite, or connect with; as, names affixed to ideas, or ideas affixed to things; to affix a stigma to a person; to affix ridicule or blame to any one.
- English Word Affix Definition To fix or fasten figuratively; -- with on or upon; as, eyes affixed upon the ground.
- English Word Affix Definition That which is affixed; an appendage; esp. one or more letters or syllables added at the end of a word; a suffix; a postfix.
- English Word Affixed Definition of Affix
- English Word Affixes Definition of Affix
- English Word Affixing Definition of Affix
- English Word Affixion Definition Affixture.
- English Word Affixture Definition The act of affixing, or the state of being affixed; attachment.
- English Word Afflation Definition A blowing or breathing on; inspiration.
- English Word Afflatus Definition A breath or blast of wind.
- English Word Afflatus Definition A divine impartation of knowledge; supernatural impulse; inspiration.