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  • English Word Push Definition To thrust the points of the horns against; to gore.
  • English Word Push Definition To press or urge forward; to drive; to push an objection too far.
  • English Word Push Definition To bear hard upon; to perplex; to embarrass.
  • English Word Push Definition To importune; to press with solicitation; to tease.
  • English Word Push Definition To make a thrust; to shove; as, to push with the horns or with a sword.
  • English Word Push Definition To make an advance, attack, or effort; to be energetic; as, a man must push in order to succeed.
  • English Word Push Definition To burst pot, as a bud or shoot.
  • English Word Push Definition A thrust with a pointed instrument, or with the end of a thing.
  • English Word Push Definition Any thrust. pressure, impulse, or force, or force applied; a shove; as, to give the ball the first push.
  • English Word Push Definition An assault or attack; an effort; an attempt; hence, the time or occasion for action.
  • English Word Push Definition The faculty of overcoming obstacles; aggressive energy; as, he has push, or he has no push.
  • English Word Pushed Definition of Push
  • English Word Pusher Definition One who, or that which, pushes.
  • English Word Pushing Definition of Push
  • English Word Pushing Definition Pressing forward in business; enterprising; driving; energetic; also, forward; officious, intrusive.
  • English Word Pushpin Definition A child's game played with pins.
  • English Word Pusil Definition Very small; little; petty.
  • English Word Pusillanimity Definition The quality of being pusillanimous; weakness of spirit; cowardliness.
  • English Word Pusillanimous Definition Destitute of a manly or courageous strength and firmness of mind; of weak spirit; mean-spirited; spiritless; cowardly; -- said of persons, as, a pussillanimous prince.
  • English Word Pusillanimous Definition Evincing, or characterized by, weakness of mind, and want of courage; feeble; as, pusillanimous counsels.
  • English Word Pusillanimously Definition With pusillanimity.
  • English Word Pusley Definition Purslane.
  • English Word Puss Definition A cat; -- a fondling appellation.
  • English Word Puss Definition A hare; -- so called by sportsmen.
  • English Word Pussy Definition A pet name for a cat; also, an endearing name for a girl.
  • English Word Pussy Definition A catkin of the pussy willow.
  • English Word Pussy Definition The game of tipcat; -- also called pussy cat.
  • English Word Pussy Definition See Pursy.
  • English Word Pustulant Definition Producing pustules.
  • English Word Pustulant Definition A medicine that produces pustules, as croton oil.