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  • English Word Pompet Definition The ball formerly used to ink the type.
  • English Word Pompholyx Definition Impure zinc oxide.
  • English Word Pompholyx Definition A skin disease in which there is an eruption of bullae, without inflammation or fever.
  • English Word Pompillion Definition An ointment or pomatum made of black poplar buds.
  • English Word Pompion Definition See Pumpion.
  • English Word Pompire Definition A pearmain.
  • English Word Pompoleon Definition See Pompelmous.
  • English Word Pompon Definition Any trifling ornament for a woman's dress or bonnet.
  • English Word Pompon Definition A tuft or ball of wool, or the like, sometimes worn by soldiers on the front of the hat, instead of a feather.
  • English Word Pomposities Definition of Pomposity
  • English Word Pomposity Definition The quality or state of being pompous; pompousness.
  • English Word Pomposo Definition Grand and dignified; in grand style.
  • English Word Pompous Definition Displaying pomp; stately; showy with grandeur; magnificent; as, a pompous procession.
  • English Word Pompous Definition Ostentatious; pretentious; boastful; vainlorious; as, pompous manners; a pompous style.
  • English Word Pomptine Definition See Pontine.
  • English Word Pomwater Definition Same as Pomewater.
  • English Word Poncho Definition A kind of cloak worn by the Spanish Americans, having the form of a blanket, with a slit in the middle for the head to pass through. A kind of poncho made of rubber or painted cloth is used by the mounted troops in the United States service.
  • English Word Poncho Definition A trade name for camlets, or stout worsteds.
  • English Word Ponchos Definition of Poncho
  • English Word Pond Definition A body of water, naturally or artificially confined, and usually of less extent than a lake.
  • English Word Pond Definition To make into a pond; to collect, as water, in a pond by damming.
  • English Word Pond Definition To ponder.
  • English Word Ponder Definition To weigh.
  • English Word Ponder Definition To weigh in the mind; to view with deliberation; to examine carefully; to consider attentively.
  • English Word Ponder Definition To think; to deliberate; to muse; -- usually followed by on or over.
  • English Word Ponderability Definition The quality or state of being ponderable.
  • English Word Ponderable Definition Capable of being weighed; having appreciable weight.
  • English Word Ponderal Definition Estimated or ascertained by weight; -- distinguished from numeral; as, a ponderal drachma.
  • English Word Ponderance Definition Weight; gravity.
  • English Word Ponderary Definition Of or pertaining to weight; as, a ponderary system.