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  • English Word Polymorphism Definition Same as Pleomorphism.
  • English Word Polymorphism Definition The capability of assuming different forms; the capability of widely varying in form.
  • English Word Polymorphism Definition Existence in many forms; the coexistence, in the same locality, of two or more distinct forms independent of sex, not connected by intermediate gradations, but produced from common parents.
  • English Word Polymorphosis Definition The assumption of several structural forms without a corresponding difference in function; -- said of sponges, etc.
  • English Word Polymorphous Definition Having, or assuming, a variety of forms, characters, or styles; as, a polymorphous author.
  • English Word Polymorphous Definition Having, or occurring in, several distinct forms; -- opposed to monomorphic.
  • English Word Polymorphy Definition Existence in many forms; polymorphism.
  • English Word Polymyodae Definition Same as Oscines.
  • English Word Polymyodous Definition Polymyoid.
  • English Word Polymyoid Definition Having numerous vocal muscles; of or pertaining to the Polymyodae.
  • English Word Polyneme Definition Any one of numerous species of tropical food fishes of the family Polynemidae. They have several slender filaments, often very long, below the pectoral fin. Some of them yield isinglass of good quality. Called also threadfish.
  • English Word Polynemoid Definition Of or pertaining to the polynemes, or the family Polynemidae.
  • English Word Polynesian Definition Of or pertaining to Polynesia (the islands of the eastern and central Pacific), or to the Polynesians.
  • English Word Polynesians Definition The race of men native in Polynesia.
  • English Word Polynia Definition The open sea supposed to surround the north pole.
  • English Word Polynomial Definition An expression composed of two or more terms, connected by the signs plus or minus; as, a2 - 2ab + b2.
  • English Word Polynomial Definition Containing many names or terms; multinominal; as, the polynomial theorem.
  • English Word Polynomial Definition Consisting of two or more words; having names consisting of two or more words; as, a polynomial name; polynomial nomenclature.
  • English Word Polynuclear Definition Containing many nuclei.
  • English Word Polynucleolar Definition Having more than one nucleolus.
  • English Word Polyommatous Definition Having many eyes.
  • English Word Polyonomous Definition Having many names or titles; polyonymous.
  • English Word Polyonomy Definition The use of a variety of names for the same object.
  • English Word Polyonym Definition An object which has a variety of names.
  • English Word Polyonym Definition A polynomial name or term.
  • English Word Polyonymous Definition Polyonomous.
  • English Word Polyoptron Definition Alt. of Polyoptrum
  • English Word Polyoptrum Definition A glass through which objects appear multiplied, but diminished in size.
  • English Word Polyorama Definition A view of many objects; also, a sort of panorama with dissolving views.
  • English Word Polyp Definition One of the feeding or nutritive zooids of a hydroid or coral.