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  • English Word Podetiums Definition of Podetium
  • English Word Podge Definition A puddle; a plash.
  • English Word Podge Definition Porridge.
  • English Word Podgy Definition Fat and short; pudgy.
  • English Word Podia Definition of Podium
  • English Word Podical Definition Anal; -- applied to certain organs of insects.
  • English Word Podiceps Definition See Grebe.
  • English Word Podium Definition A low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall.
  • English Word Podium Definition The dwarf wall surrounding the arena of an amphitheater, from the top of which the seats began.
  • English Word Podium Definition The masonry under the stylobate of a temple, sometimes a mere foundation, sometimes containing chambers.
  • English Word Podium Definition The foot.
  • English Word Podley Definition A young coalfish.
  • English Word Podo- Definition A combining form or prefix from Gr. poy`s, podo`s, foot; as, podocarp, podocephalous, podology.
  • English Word Podobranch Definition One of the branchiae attached to the bases of the legs in Crustacea.
  • English Word Podobranchia Definition Same as Podobranch.
  • English Word Podobranchiae Definition of Podobranchia
  • English Word Podocarp Definition A stem, or footstalk, supporting the fruit.
  • English Word Podocephalous Definition Having a head of flowers on a long peduncle, or footstalk.
  • English Word Podogynium Definition Same as Basigynium
  • English Word Podophthalmia Definition The stalk-eyed Crustacea, -- an order of Crustacea having the eyes supported on movable stalks. It includes the crabs, lobsters, and prawns. Called also Podophthalmata, and Decapoda.
  • English Word Podophthalmic Definition Alt. of Podophthalmous
  • English Word Podophthalmite Definition The eyestalk of a crustacean.
  • English Word Podophthalmous Definition Having the eyes on movable footstalks, or pedicels.
  • English Word Podophthalmous Definition Of or pertaining to the Podophthalmia.
  • English Word Podophyllin Definition A brown bitter gum extracted from the rootstalk of the May apple (Podophyllum peltatum). It is a complex mixture of several substances.
  • English Word Podophyllous Definition Having thin, flat, leaflike locomotive organs.
  • English Word Podophyllous Definition Pertaining to, or composing, the layer of tissue, made up of laminae, beneath a horse's hoof.
  • English Word Podophyllum Definition A genus of herbs of the Barberry family, having large palmately lobed peltate leaves and solitary flower. There are two species, the American Podohyllum peltatum, or May apple, the Himalayan P. Emodi.
  • English Word Podophyllum Definition The rhizome and rootlet of the May apple (Podophyllum peltatum), -- used as a cathartic drug.
  • English Word Podoscaph Definition A canoe-shaped float attached to the foot, for walking on water.