NPage 86
- English Word Nott Definition To shear.
- English Word Nott-headed Definition Having the hair cut close.
- English Word Nott-pated Definition Same as Nott-headed.
- English Word Notturno Definition Same as Nocturne.
- English Word Notum Definition The back.
- English Word Notus Definition The south wind.
- English Word Notwheat Definition Wheat not bearded.
- English Word Notwithstanding Definition Without prevention, or obstruction from or by; in spite of.
- English Word Notwithstanding Definition Nevertheless; however; although; as, I shall go, notwithstanding it rains.
- English Word Nouch Definition An ouch; a jewel.
- English Word Nougat Definition A cake, sweetmeat, or confection made with almonds or other nuts.
- English Word Nought Definition See Naught.
- English Word Nould Definition Would not.
- English Word Noule Definition The top of the head; the head or noll.
- English Word Noumenal Definition Of or pertaining to the noumenon; real; -- opposed to phenomenal.
- English Word Noumenon Definition The of itself unknown and unknowable rational object, or thing in itself, which is distinguished from the phenomenon through which it is apprehended by the senses, and by which it is interpreted and understood; -- so used in the philosophy of Kant and his followers.
- English Word Noun Definition A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing in fact or in thought; a substantive.
- English Word Nounal Definition Of or pertaining to a noun.
- English Word Nounize Definition To change (an adjective, verb, etc.) into a noun.
- English Word Nourice Definition A nurse.
- English Word Nourish Definition To feed and cause to grow; to supply with matter which increases bulk or supplies waste, and promotes health; to furnish with nutriment.
- English Word Nourish Definition To support; to maintain.
- English Word Nourish Definition To supply the means of support and increase to; to encourage; to foster; as, to nourish rebellion; to nourish the virtues.
- English Word Nourish Definition To cherish; to comfort.
- English Word Nourish Definition To educate; to instruct; to bring up; to nurture; to promote the growth of in attainments.
- English Word Nourish Definition To promote growth; to furnish nutriment.
- English Word Nourish Definition To gain nourishment.
- English Word Nourish Definition A nurse.
- English Word Nourishable Definition Capable of being nourished; as, the nourishable parts of the body.
- English Word Nourishable Definition Capable of giving nourishment.