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  • English Word Neuration Definition The arrangement or distribution of nerves, as in the leaves of a plant or the wings of an insect; nervation.
  • English Word Neuraxis Definition See Axis cylinder, under Axis.
  • English Word Neurenteric Definition Of or pertaining to both the neuron and the enteron; as, the neurenteric canal, which, in embroys of many vertebrates, connects the medullary tube and the primitive intestine. See Illust. of Ectoderm.
  • English Word Neuridin Definition a nontoxic base, C5H14N2, found in the putrescent matters of flesh, fish, decaying cheese, etc.
  • English Word Neurilemma Definition The delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber; the primitive sheath.
  • English Word Neurilemma Definition The perineurium.
  • English Word Neurility Definition The special properties and functions of the nerves; that capacity for transmitting a stimulus which belongs to nerves.
  • English Word Neurine Definition A poisonous organic base (a ptomaine) formed in the decomposition of protagon with boiling baryta water, and in the putrefraction of proteid matter. It was for a long time considered identical with choline, a crystalline body originally obtained from bile. Chemically, however, choline is oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium hydroxide, while neurine is vinyl-trimethyl-ammonium hydroxide.
  • English Word Neurism Definition Nerve force. See Vital force, under Vital.
  • English Word Neuritis Definition Inflammation of a nerve.
  • English Word Neuro- Definition A combining denoting a nerve, of / pertaining to a nerve / the nervous system.
  • English Word Neuro-central Definition Between the neural arch and the centrum of a vertebra; as, the neurocentral suture.
  • English Word Neuro-epidermal Definition Pertaining to, or giving rise to, the central nervous system and epiderms; as, the neuroepidermal, or epiblastic, layer of the blastoderm.
  • English Word Neurochord Definition Alt. of Neurochordal
  • English Word Neurochordal Definition See Neurocord.
  • English Word Neurocity Definition Nerve force.
  • English Word Neurocoele Definition The central canal and ventricles of the spinal cord and brain; the myelencephalic cavity.
  • English Word Neurocord Definition A cordlike organ composed of elastic fibers situated above the ventral nervous cord of annelids, like the earthworm.
  • English Word Neuroglia Definition The delicate connective tissue framework which supports the nervous matter and blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord.
  • English Word Neurography Definition A description of the nerves.
  • English Word Neurokeratin Definition A substance, resembling keratin, present in nerve tissue, as in the sheath of the axis cylinder of medullated nerve fibers. Like keratin it resists the action of most chemical agents, and by decomposition with sulphuric acid yields leucin and tyrosin.
  • English Word Neurological Definition Of or pertaining to neurolgy.
  • English Word Neurologist Definition One who is versed in neurology; also, one skilled in the treatment of nervous diseases.
  • English Word Neurology Definition The branch of science which treats of the nervous system.
  • English Word Neuroma Definition A tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve, esp. one consisting of new-formed nerve fibers.
  • English Word Neuromere Definition A metameric segment of the cerebro-spinal nervous system.
  • English Word Neuromuscular Definition Nervomuscular.
  • English Word Neuron Definition The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; myelencephalon.
  • English Word Neuropathic Definition Of or pertaining to neuropathy; of the nature of, or suffering from, nervous disease.
  • English Word Neuropathy Definition An affection of the nervous system or of a nerve.