EPage 92
- English Word Endive Definition A composite herb (Cichorium Endivia). Its finely divided and much curled leaves, when blanched, are used for salad.
- English Word Endless Definition Without end; having no end or conclusion; perpetual; interminable; -- applied to length, and to duration; as, an endless line; endless time; endless bliss; endless praise; endless clamor.
- English Word Endless Definition Infinite; excessive; unlimited.
- English Word Endless Definition Without profitable end; fruitless; unsatisfying.
- English Word Endless Definition Void of design; objectless; as, an endless pursuit.
- English Word Endlessly Definition In an endless manner.
- English Word Endlessness Definition The quality of being endless; perpetuity.
- English Word Endlong Definition Lengthwise; along.
- English Word Endmost Definition Farthest; remotest; at the very end.
- English Word Endo- Definition Alt. of End-
- English Word Endoblast Definition Entoblast; endoplast. See Nucleus,
- English Word Endoblastic Definition Relating to the endoblast; as, the endoblastic layer.
- English Word Endocardiac Definition Alt. of Endocardial
- English Word Endocardial Definition Pertaining to the endocardium.
- English Word Endocardial Definition Seated or generated within the heart; as, endocardial murmurs.
- English Word Endocarditis Definition Inflammation of the endocardium.
- English Word Endocardium Definition The membrane lining the cavities of the heart.
- English Word Endocarp Definition The inner layer of a ripened or fructified ovary.
- English Word Endochondral Definition Growing or developing within cartilage; -- applied esp. to developing bone.
- English Word Endochrome Definition The coloring matter within the cells of plants, whether green, red, yellow, or any other color.
- English Word Endoctrine Definition To teach; to indoctrinate.
- English Word Endocyst Definition The inner layer of the cells of Bryozoa.
- English Word Endoderm Definition The inner layer of the skin or integument of an animal.
- English Word Endoderm Definition The innermost layer of the blastoderm and the structures derived from it; the hypoblast; the entoblast. See Illust. of Ectoderm.
- English Word Endodermal Definition Alt. of Endodermic
- English Word Endodermic Definition Of or pertaining to the endoderm.
- English Word Endodermis Definition A layer of cells forming a kind of cuticle inside of the proper cortical layer, or surrounding an individual fibrovascular bundle.
- English Word Endogamous Definition Marrying within the same tribe; -- opposed to exogamous.
- English Word Endogamy Definition Marriage only within the tribe; a custom restricting a man in his choice of a wife to the tribe to which he belongs; -- opposed to exogamy.
- English Word Endogen Definition A plant which increases in size by internal growth and elongation at the summit, having the wood in the form of bundles or threads, irregularly distributed throughout the whole diameter, not forming annual layers, and with no distinct pith. The leaves of the endogens have, usually, parallel veins, their flowers are mostly in three, or some multiple of three, parts, and their embryos have but a single cotyledon, with the first leaves alternate. The endogens constitute one of the great primary classes of plants, and included all palms, true lilies, grasses, rushes, orchids, the banana, pineapple, etc. See Exogen.