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  • English Word Embryo Definition The young of an animal in the womb, or more specifically, before its parts are developed and it becomes a fetus (see Fetus).
  • English Word Embryo Definition The germ of the plant, which is inclosed in the seed and which is developed by germination.
  • English Word Embryo Definition Pertaining to an embryo; rudimentary; undeveloped; as, an embryo bud.
  • English Word Embryo sac Definition See under Embryonic.
  • English Word Embryogenic Definition Pertaining to the development of an embryo.
  • English Word Embryogeny Definition The production and development of an embryo.
  • English Word Embryogony Definition The formation of an embryo.
  • English Word Embryography Definition The general description of embryos.
  • English Word Embryologic Definition Alt. of Embryological
  • English Word Embryological Definition Of or pertaining to embryology.
  • English Word Embryologist Definition One skilled in embryology.
  • English Word Embryology Definition The science which relates to the formation and development of the embryo in animals and plants; a study of the gradual development of the ovum until it reaches the adult stage.
  • English Word Embryon Definition See Embryo.
  • English Word Embryonal Definition Pertaining to an embryo, or the initial state of any organ; embryonic.
  • English Word Embryonary Definition Embryonic.
  • English Word Embryonate Definition Alt. of Embryonated
  • English Word Embryonated Definition In the state of, or having, an embryonal.
  • English Word Embryonic Definition Of or pertaining to an embryo; embryonal; rudimentary.
  • English Word Embryoniferous Definition Having an embryo.
  • English Word Embryoniform Definition Like an embryo in form.
  • English Word Embryoplastic Definition Relating to, or aiding in, the formation of an embryo; as, embryoplastic cells.
  • English Word Embryos Definition of Embryo
  • English Word Embryotic Definition Embryonic.
  • English Word Embryotomy Definition The cutting a fetus into pieces within the womb, so as to effect its removal.
  • English Word Embryotroph Definition The material from which an embryo is formed and nourished.
  • English Word Embryous Definition Embryonic; undeveloped.
  • English Word Embulk Definition To enlarge in the way of bulk.
  • English Word Emburse Definition To furnish with money; to imburse.
  • English Word Embush Definition To place or hide in a thicket; to ambush.
  • English Word Embushment Definition An ambush.