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  • English Word Emblem Definition Inlay; inlaid or mosaic work; something ornamental inserted in a surface.
  • English Word Emblem Definition A visible sign of an idea; an object, or the figure of an object, symbolizing and suggesting another object, or an idea, by natural aptness or by association; a figurative representation; a typical designation; a symbol; as, a balance is an emblem of justice; a scepter, the emblem of sovereignty or power; a circle, the emblem of eternity.
  • English Word Emblem Definition A picture accompanied with a motto, a set of verse, or the like, intended as a moral lesson or meditation.
  • English Word Emblem Definition To represent by an emblem; to symbolize.
  • English Word Emblematic Definition Alt. of Emblematical
  • English Word Emblematical Definition Pertaining to, containing, or consisting in, an emblem; symbolic; typically representative; representing as an emblem; as, emblematic language or ornaments; a crown is emblematic of royalty; white is emblematic of purity.
  • English Word Emblematiccize Definition To render emblematic; as, to emblematicize a picture.
  • English Word Emblematist Definition A writer or inventor of emblems.
  • English Word Emblematize Definition To represent by, or as by, an emblem; to symbolize.
  • English Word Emblematized Definition of Emblematize
  • English Word Emblematizing Definition of Emblematize
  • English Word Emblemed Definition of Emblem
  • English Word Emblement Definition The growing crop, or profits of a crop which has been sown or planted; -- used especially in the plural. The produce of grass, trees, and the like, is not emblement.
  • English Word Embleming Definition of Emblem
  • English Word Emblemize Definition To represent by an emblem; to emblematize.
  • English Word Emblemized Definition of Emblemize
  • English Word Emblemizing Definition of Emblemize
  • English Word Embloom Definition To emblossom.
  • English Word Emblossom Definition To cover or adorn with blossoms.
  • English Word Embodied Definition of Embody
  • English Word Embodier Definition One who embodies.
  • English Word Embodiment Definition The act of embodying; the state of being embodied.
  • English Word Embodiment Definition That which embodies or is embodied; representation in a physical body; a completely organized system, like the body; as, the embodiment of courage, or of courtesy; the embodiment of true piety.
  • English Word Embody Definition To form into a body; to invest with a body; to collect into a body, a united mass, or a whole; to incorporate; as, to embody one's ideas in a treatise.
  • English Word Embody Definition To unite in a body, a mass, or a collection; to coalesce.
  • English Word Embodying Definition of Embody
  • English Word Embogue Definition To disembogue; to discharge, as a river, its waters into the sea or another river.
  • English Word Emboguing Definition The mouth of a river, or place where its waters are discharged.
  • English Word Emboil Definition To boil with anger; to effervesce.
  • English Word Emboil Definition To cause to boil with anger; to irritate; to chafe.