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  • English Word Eliding Definition of Elide
  • English Word Eligibility Definition The quality of being eligible; eligibleness; as, the eligibility of a candidate; the eligibility of an offer of marriage.
  • English Word Eligible Definition That may be selected; proper or qualified to be chosen; legally qualified to be elected and to hold office.
  • English Word Eligible Definition Worthy to be chosen or selected; suitable; desirable; as, an eligible situation for a house.
  • English Word Eligibleness Definition The quality worthy or qualified to be chosen; suitableness; desirableness.
  • English Word Eligibly Definition In an eligible manner.
  • English Word Elimate Definition To render smooth; to polish.
  • English Word Eliminant Definition The result of eliminating n variables between n homogeneous equations of any degree; -- called also resultant.
  • English Word Eliminate Definition To put out of doors; to expel; to discharge; to release; to set at liberty.
  • English Word Eliminate Definition To cause to disappear from an equation; as, to eliminate an unknown quantity.
  • English Word Eliminate Definition To set aside as unimportant in a process of inductive inquiry; to leave out of consideration.
  • English Word Eliminate Definition To obtain by separating, as from foreign matters; to deduce; as, to eliminate an idea or a conclusion.
  • English Word Eliminate Definition To separate; to expel from the system; to excrete; as, the kidneys eliminate urea, the lungs carbonic acid; to eliminate poison from the system.
  • English Word Eliminated Definition of Eliminate
  • English Word Eliminating Definition of Eliminate
  • English Word Elimination Definition The act of expelling or throwing off
  • English Word Elimination Definition the act of discharging or excreting waste products or foreign substances through the various emunctories.
  • English Word Elimination Definition Act of causing a quantity to disappear from an equation; especially, in the operation of deducing from several equations containing several unknown quantities a less number of equations containing a less number of unknown quantities.
  • English Word Elimination Definition The act of obtaining by separation, or as the result of eliminating; deduction. [See Eliminate, 4.]
  • English Word Eliminative Definition Relating to, or carrying on, elimination.
  • English Word Elinguate Definition To deprive of the tongue.
  • English Word Elinguation Definition Punishment by cutting out the tongue.
  • English Word Elinguid Definition Tongue-tied; dumb.
  • English Word Eliquament Definition A liquid obtained from fat, or fat fish, by pressure.
  • English Word Eliquation Definition The process of separating a fusible substance from one less fusible, by means of a degree of heat sufficient to melt the one and not the other, as an alloy of copper and lead; liquation.
  • English Word Elison Definition Division; separation.
  • English Word Elison Definition The cutting off or suppression of a vowel or syllable, for the sake of meter or euphony; esp., in poetry, the dropping of a final vowel standing before an initial vowel in the following word, when the two words are drawn together.
  • English Word Elisor Definition An elector or chooser; one of two persons appointed by a court to return a jury or serve a writ when the sheriff and the coroners are disqualified.
  • English Word Elite Definition A choice or select body; the flower; as, the elite of society.
  • English Word Elix Definition To extract.