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- English Word Extraordinariness Definition The quality of being extraordinary.
- English Word Extraordinary Definition Beyond or out of the common order or method; not usual, customary, regular, or ordinary; as, extraordinary evils; extraordinary remedies.
- English Word Extraordinary Definition Exceeding the common degree, measure. or condition; hence, remarkable; uncommon; rare; wonderful; as, extraordinary talents or grandeur.
- English Word Extraordinary Definition Employed or sent upon an unusual or special service; as, an ambassador extraordinary.
- English Word Extraordinary Definition That which is extraordinary; -- used especially in the plural; as, extraordinaries excepted, there is nothing to prevent success.
- English Word Extraparochial Definition Beyond the limits of a parish.
- English Word Extraphysical Definition Not subject to physical laws or methods.
- English Word Extraprofessional Definition Foreign to a profession; not within the ordinary limits of professional duty or business.
- English Word Extraprovincial Definition Not within of pertaining to the same province or jurisdiction.
- English Word Extraregular Definition Not comprehended within a rule or rules.
- English Word Extras Definition of Extra
- English Word Extrastapedial Definition Pertaining to a part of the columella of the ear, which, in many animals, projects beyond the connection with the stapes.
- English Word Extrastapedial Definition The extrastapedial part of columella.
- English Word Extraterritorial Definition Beyond the limits of a territory or particular jurisdiction; exterritorial.
- English Word Extraterritoriality Definition The state of being beyond the limits of a particular territory
- English Word Extraterritoriality Definition A fiction by which a public minister, though actually in a foreign country, is supposed still to remain within the territory of his own sovereign or nation.
- English Word Extratropical Definition Beyond or outside of the tropics.
- English Word Extraught Definition Extracted; descended.
- English Word Extravagance Definition A wandering beyond proper limits; an excursion or sally from the usual way, course, or limit.
- English Word Extravagance Definition The state of being extravagant, wild, or prodigal beyond bounds of propriety or duty; want of moderation; excess; especially, undue expenditure of money; vaid and superfluous expense; prodigality; as, extravagance of anger, love, expression, imagination, demands.
- English Word Extravagancies Definition of Extravagancy
- English Word Extravagancy Definition Extravagance.
- English Word Extravagant Definition Wandering beyond one's bounds; roving; hence, foreign.
- English Word Extravagant Definition Exceeding due bounds; wild; excessive; unrestrained; as, extravagant acts, wishes, praise, abuse.
- English Word Extravagant Definition Profuse in expenditure; prodigal; wasteful; as, an extravagant man.
- English Word Extravagant Definition One who is confined to no general rule.
- English Word Extravagant Definition Certain constitutions or decretal epistles, not at first included with others, but subsequently made a part of the canon law.
- English Word Extravagantly Definition In an extravagant manner; wildly; excessively; profusely.
- English Word Extravagantness Definition The state of being extravagant or in excess; excess; extravagance.
- English Word Extravaganza Definition A composition, as in music, or in the drama, designed to produce effect by its wild irregularity; esp., a musical caricature.