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- English Word Exploit Definition Combat; war.
- English Word Exploit Definition To utilize; to make available; to get the value or usefulness out of; as, to exploit a mine or agricultural lands; to exploit public opinion.
- English Word Exploit Definition Hence: To draw an illegitimate profit from; to speculate on; to put upon.
- English Word Exploitation Definition The act of exploiting or utilizing.
- English Word Exploiture Definition The act of exploiting or accomplishing; achievement.
- English Word Exploiture Definition Exploitation.
- English Word Explorable Definition That may be explored; as, an explorable region.
- English Word Explorate Definition To explore.
- English Word Exploration Definition The act of exploring, penetrating, or ranging over for purposes of discovery, especially of geographical discovery; examination; as, the exploration of unknown countries
- English Word Exploration Definition physical examination.
- English Word Explorative Definition Exploratory.
- English Word Explorator Definition One who explores; one who examines closely; a searcher.
- English Word Exploratory Definition Serving or intended to explore; searching; examining; explorative.
- English Word Explore Definition To seek for or after; to strive to attain by search; to look wisely and carefully for.
- English Word Explore Definition To search through or into; to penetrate or range over for discovery; to examine thoroughly; as, to explore new countries or seas; to explore the depths of science.
- English Word Explored Definition of Explore
- English Word Explorement Definition The act of exploring; exploration.
- English Word Explorer Definition One who explores; also, an apparatus with which one explores, as a diving bell.
- English Word Exploring Definition of Explore
- English Word Explosion Definition The act of exploding; detonation; a chemical action which causes the sudden formation of a great volume of expanded gas; as, the explosion of gunpowder, of fire damp,etc.
- English Word Explosion Definition A bursting with violence and loud noise, because of internal pressure; as, the explosion of a gun, a bomb, a steam boiler, etc.
- English Word Explosion Definition A violent outburst of feeling, manifested by excited language, action, etc.; as, an explosion of wrath.
- English Word Explosive Definition Driving or bursting out with violence and noise; causing explosion; as, the explosive force of gunpowder.
- English Word Explosive Definition An explosive agent; a compound or mixture susceptible of a rapid chemical reaction, as gunpowder, or nitro-glycerine.
- English Word Explosive Definition A sound produced by an explosive impulse of the breath; (Phonetics) one of consonants p, b, t, d, k, g, which are sounded with a sort of explosive power of voice. [See Guide to Pronunciation, Ã 155-7, 184.]
- English Word Explosively Definition In an explosive manner.
- English Word Expoliation Definition See Exspoliation.
- English Word Expolish Definition To polish thoroughly.
- English Word Expone Definition To expound; to explain; also, to expose; to imperil.
- English Word Exponent Definition A number, letter, or any quantity written on the right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how many times the latter is repeated as a factor to produce the power indicated