EPage 199
- English Word Exasperate Definition To make grievous, or more grievous or malignant; to aggravate; to imbitter; as, to exasperate enmity.
- English Word Exasperater Definition One who exasperates or inflames anger, enmity, or violence.
- English Word Exasperating Definition of Exasperate
- English Word Exasperation Definition The act of exasperating or the state of being exasperated; irritation; keen or bitter anger.
- English Word Exasperation Definition Increase of violence or malignity; aggravation; exacerbation.
- English Word Exaspidean Definition Having the anterior scute/ extending around the tarsus on the outer side, leaving the inner side naked; -- said of certain birds.
- English Word Exauctorate Definition See Exauthorate.
- English Word Exauctoration Definition See Exauthoration.
- English Word Exaugurate Definition To annul the consecration of; to secularize; to unhellow.
- English Word Exauguration Definition The act of exaugurating; desecration.
- English Word Exauthorate Definition To deprive of authority or office; to depose; to discharge.
- English Word Exauthoration Definition Deprivation of authority or dignity; degration.
- English Word Exauthorize Definition To deprive of uthority.
- English Word Exauthorize Definition To deprive of authority.
- English Word Excalceate Definition To deprive of shoes.
- English Word Excalceation Definition The act of depriving or divesting of shoes.
- English Word Excalfaction Definition A heating or warming; calefaction.
- English Word Excalfactive Definition Serving to heat; warming.
- English Word Excalfactory Definition Heating; warming.
- English Word Excalibur Definition The name of King Arthur's mythical sword.
- English Word Excamb Definition Alt. of Excambie
- English Word Excambie Definition To exchange; -- used with reference to transfers of land.
- English Word Excambion Definition Alt. of Excambium
- English Word Excambium Definition Exchange; barter; -- used commonly of lands.
- English Word Excandescence Definition A growing hot; a white or glowing heat; incandescence.
- English Word Excandescence Definition Violent anger; a growing angry.
- English Word Excandescent Definition White or glowing with heat.
- English Word Excantation Definition Disenchantment by a countercharm.
- English Word Excarnate Definition To deprive or clear of flesh.
- English Word Excarnation Definition The act of depriving or divesting of flesh; excarnification; -- opposed to incarnation.