EPage 176
- English Word Ethically Definition According to, in harmony with, moral principles or character.
- English Word Ethicist Definition One who is versed in ethics, or has written on ethics.
- English Word Ethics Definition The science of human duty; the body of rules of duty drawn from this science; a particular system of principles and rules concerting duty, whether true or false; rules of practice in respect to a single class of human actions; as, political or social ethics; medical ethics.
- English Word Ethide Definition Any compound of ethyl of a binary type; as, potassium ethide.
- English Word Ethidene Definition Ethylidene.
- English Word Ethine Definition Acetylene.
- English Word Ethionic Definition Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an acid so called.
- English Word Ethiop Definition Alt. of Ethiopian
- English Word Ethiopian Definition A native or inhabitant of Ethiopia; also, in a general sense, a negro or black man.
- English Word Ethiopian Definition Alt. of Ethiopic
- English Word Ethiopic Definition Of or relating to Ethiopia or the Ethiopians.
- English Word Ethiopic Definition The language of ancient Ethiopia; the language of the ancient Abyssinian empire (in Ethiopia), now used only in the Abyssinian church. It is of Semitic origin, and is also called Geez.
- English Word Ethiops Definition A black substance; -- formerly applied to various preparations of a black or very dark color.
- English Word Ethmoid Definition Alt. of Ethmoidal
- English Word Ethmoid Definition The ethmoid bone.
- English Word Ethmoidal Definition Like a sieve; cribriform.
- English Word Ethmoidal Definition Pertaining to, or in the region of, the ethmoid bone.
- English Word Ethmotrubinal Definition See Turbinal.
- English Word Ethmotrubinal Definition An ethmoturbinal bone.
- English Word Ethmovomerine Definition Pertaining to the region of the vomer and the base of the ethmoid in the skull.
- English Word Ethnarch Definition The governor of a province or people.
- English Word Ethnarchy Definition The dominion of an ethnarch; principality and rule.
- English Word Ethnic Definition Alt. of Ethnical
- English Word Ethnic Definition A heathen; a pagan.
- English Word Ethnical Definition Belonging to races or nations; based on distinctions of race; ethnological.
- English Word Ethnical Definition Pertaining to the gentiles, or nations not converted to Christianity; heathen; pagan; -- opposed to Jewish and Christian.
- English Word Ethnically Definition In an ethnical manner.
- English Word Ethnicism Definition Heathenism; paganism; idolatry.
- English Word Ethnographer Definition One who investigates ethnography.
- English Word Ethnographic Definition Alt. of Ethnographical