EPage 157
- English Word Erogated Definition of Erogate
- English Word Erogating Definition of Erogate
- English Word Erogation Definition The act of giving out or bestowing.
- English Word Eros Definition Love; the god of love; -- by earlier writers represented as one of the first and creative gods, by later writers as the son of Aphrodite, equivalent to the Latin god Cupid.
- English Word Erose Definition Irregular or uneven as if eaten or worn away.
- English Word Erose Definition Jagged or irregularly toothed, as if nibbled out or gnawed.
- English Word Erosion Definition The act or operation of eroding or eating away.
- English Word Erosion Definition The state of being eaten away; corrosion; canker.
- English Word Erosive Definition That erodes or gradually eats away; tending to erode; corrosive.
- English Word Erostrate Definition Without a beak.
- English Word Eroteme Definition A mark indicating a question; a note of interrogation.
- English Word Erotesis Definition A figure o/ speech by which a strong affirmation of the contrary, is implied under the form o/ an earnest interrogation, as in the following lines; -
- English Word Erotic Definition Alt. of Erotical
- English Word Erotic Definition An amorous composition or poem.
- English Word Erotical Definition Of or pertaining to the passion of love; treating of love; amatory.
- English Word Eroticism Definition Erotic quality.
- English Word Erpetologist Definition Herpetologist.
- English Word Erpetology Definition Herpetology.
- English Word Err Definition To wander; to roam; to stray.
- English Word Err Definition To deviate from the true course; to miss the thing aimed at.
- English Word Err Definition To miss intellectual truth; to fall into error; to mistake in judgment or opinion; to be mistaken.
- English Word Err Definition To deviate morally from the right way; to go astray, in a figurative sense; to do wrong; to sin.
- English Word Err Definition To offend, as by erring.
- English Word Errable Definition Liable to error; fallible.
- English Word Errableness Definition Liability to error.
- English Word Errabund Definition Erratic.
- English Word Errancy Definition A wandering; state of being in error.
- English Word Errand Definition A special business intrusted to a messenger; something to be told or done by one sent somewhere for the purpose; often, a verbal message; a commission; as, the servant was sent on an errand; to do an errand. Also, one's purpose in going anywhere.
- English Word Errant Definition Wandering; deviating from an appointed course, or from a direct path; roving.
- English Word Errant Definition Notorious; notoriously bad; downright; arrant.