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- English Word Equiponderous Definition Having equal weight.
- English Word Equipondious Definition Of equal weight on both sides; balanced.
- English Word Equipotential Definition Having the same potential.
- English Word Equipped Definition of Equip
- English Word Equipping Definition of Equip
- English Word Equiradical Definition Equally radical.
- English Word Equirotal Definition Having wheels of the same size or diameter; having equal rotation.
- English Word Equiseta Definition of Equisetum
- English Word Equisetaceous Definition Belonging to the Equisetaceae, or Horsetail family.
- English Word Equisetiform Definition Having the form of the equisetum.
- English Word Equisetum Definition A genus of vascular, cryptogamic, herbaceous plants; -- also called horsetails.
- English Word Equisonance Definition An equal sounding; the consonance of the unison and its octaves.
- English Word Equisonant Definition Of the same or like sound.
- English Word Equitable Definition Possessing or exhibiting equity; according to natural right or natural justice; marked by a due consideration for what is fair, unbiased, or impartial; just; as an equitable decision; an equitable distribution of an estate; equitable men.
- English Word Equitable Definition That can be sustained or made available or effective in a court of equity, or upon principles of equity jurisprudence; as, an equitable estate; equitable assets, assignment, mortgage, etc.
- English Word Equitableness Definition The quality of being equitable, just, or impartial; as, the equitableness of a judge, a decision, or distribution of property.
- English Word Equitably Definition In an equitable manner; justly; as, the laws should be equitably administered.
- English Word Equitancy Definition Horsemanship.
- English Word Equitant Definition Mounted on, or sitting upon, a horse; riding on horseback.
- English Word Equitant Definition Overlapping each other; -- said of leaves whose bases are folded so as to overlap and bestride the leaves within or above them, as in the iris.
- English Word Equitation Definition A riding, or the act of riding, on horseback; horsemanship.
- English Word Equitemporaneous Definition Contemporaneous.
- English Word Equites Definition An order of knights holding a middle place between the senate and the commonalty; members of the Roman equestrian order.
- English Word Equities Definition of Equity
- English Word Equity Definition Equality of rights; natural justice or right; the giving, or desiring to give, to each man his due, according to reason, and the law of God to man; fairness in determination of conflicting claims; impartiality.
- English Word Equity Definition An equitable claim; an equity of redemption; as, an equity to a settlement, or wife's equity, etc.
- English Word Equity Definition A system of jurisprudence, supplemental to law, properly so called, and complemental of it.
- English Word Equivalence Definition The condition of being equivalent or equal; equality of worth, value, signification, or force; as, an equivalence of definitions.
- English Word Equivalence Definition Equal power or force; equivalent amount.
- English Word Equivalence Definition The quantity of the combining power of an atom, expressed in hydrogen units; the number of hydrogen atoms can combine with, or be exchanged for; valency. See Valence.