ম পৃষ্ঠা ১৯
- Bengali Word মাইনর, মাইনারEnglish definition(noun) person not yet legally of age; minor. (adjective) (of schools) teaching from five to eight.
- Bengali Word মাইনাEnglish definition= মাহিনা
- Bengali Word মাইফেলEnglish definition(noun) (colloquial) = মাহফিল. মাইফেলি (adjective) fond of parties; fun-loving; boisterous.
- Bengali Word মাইরিEnglish definition[English] (noun) (feminine) (in oaths) by Mary; believe me.
- Bengali Word মাইলEnglish definition[English] (noun) mile. মাইল পোস্ট (noun) [English] mile-post; mile-stone. মাইলেজ, মাইলিজ (noun(s)) mileage.
- Bengali Word মাইয়াEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) (dialect) = মেয়ে
- Bengali Word মাইয়াতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) dead body.
- Bengali Word মাউই, মাউই-মাEnglish definition(noun(s)) mother-in-law or aunt-in-law of a brother/sister/cousin.
- Bengali Word মাওলা, মাওলানাEnglish definition= মওলা
- Bengali Word মাকনাEnglish definition(noun) young elephant with tusks. মাকনালা (noun) elephant of small stature and without tusks.
- Bengali Word মাকালEnglish definition(noun) 1 a kind of creeper and its fruit which is eye-catching but contains offensive smelling inedible pulp. 2 (figurative) (also মাকাল ফল) very handsome but worthless person.
- Bengali Word মাকুEnglish definition(noun) shuttle (of weavers).
- Bengali Word মাকুন্দEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) adult male who has not grown his beard; beardless man.
- Bengali Word মাক্ষিকEnglish definition(noun) 1 honey. 2 pyrites. (adjective) relating to bees/ flies.
- Bengali Word মাকড়English definition(noun) 1 spider; arachnid. 2 monkey; ape.
- Bengali Word মাকড়শাEnglish definition(noun) = মাকড় (1). মাকড়শার জাল (noun) spider’s web; cobweb; gossamer.
- Bengali Word মাকড়াEnglish definition(noun) (colloquial) 1 monkey; spider. 2 (derogatory) boy; fellow. মাকড়ি (feminine) = মাকড়া. (adjective) brick-red; pale red: mud-coloured: মাকড়া রং.
- Bengali Word মাকড়ি, মাকড়ীEnglish definition(noun(s)) a variety of ear-ring.
- Bengali Word মাখনEnglish definition(noun) butter. মাখন তোলা (verb transitive) skim butter/milk. মাখন দাগানো (verb transitive) clarity butter by boiling. মাখন মাখানো (verb transitive) butter. মাখন তোলা দুধ (noun) skimmed milk; buttermilk. মাখন দাগানো ঘি (noun) clarified butter. মাখন বিক্রেতা (noun) butter-seller. মাখন বিক্রেতী (feminine) butter-wife; butter-woman. মাখন মাখানো (adjective) buttered; buttery.
- Bengali Word মাখাEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 smear (with); spread; besmear with; cover/mark with; anoint; rub something in: রুটিতে মাখন মাখা, তেল/ মলম মাখা, রং মাখা, কাদা মাখা. 2 dab; daub; coat (with): রং মাখা. 3 knead: ময়দা মাখা. 4 blend; mix with (spices, etc): মশলা দিয়ে তরকারি মাখা, দুধ দিয়ে ভাত মাখা. (adjective) smeared/ covered/ anointed/ mixed/ mingled/ tinged/ diffused/ impregnated with; kneaded; consecrated by: সুধা মাখা. মাখানো (verb transitive) cause to smear/ spread/ cover; get smeared/ covered with/ rubbed with/ kneaded. মাখামাখি (noun) 1 thorough besmearing with: জলে-কাদায় মাখামাখি. 2 mutual smearing; sprinkling (coloured water, etc) on each other: রং মাখামাখি. 3 intimacy; close association; good terms; familiarity: বড়লোকের সঙ্গে মাখামাখি. মাখামাখি করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) 1 associate (closely) with; hobnob with; frequent; consort with; 2 smear each other with; sprinkle or each other.
- Bengali Word মাগEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) (slang) wife.
- Bengali Word মাগধEnglish definition(adjective) relating to/ born or produced/ customary among the Magadhas or the Magadha (মগধ) country. (noun) professional ard or panegyric of a king.
- Bengali Word মাগধীEnglish definition(noun) language of Magadha (one of the Prakit dialect). অর্ধ মাগধী (noun) variety of the Magadhi dialect (being the language of the sacred literature of the Jains).
- Bengali Word মাগনEnglish definition(noun) begging; praying. মাগন কুড়ে (noun) beggar; mendicant. মাগনা, মাংনা (adjective) obtained by begging; free (of cost); gratis; cost-free. (adverb) free of cost/ charge; free: মাগনা খাটা give free labour.
- Bengali Word মাগফিরাত, মাগফেরাতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun(s) absolution; remission; pardon; forgiveness.
- Bengali Word মাগরিব, মাগবেরEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun(s) sunset; evening; evening prayer.
- Bengali Word মাগা, মাঙা, মাঙ্গাEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 beg; ask for; pray for; solicit. 2 admit; accept; accede; পরাজয় মেগে নেওয়া. মেগে খাওয়া (verb intransitive) live by begging.
- Bengali Word মাগীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) (slang) woman; prostitute. মাগীবাড়ি (noun) (slang) brothel. মাগী মিনসে (noun) (plural) man and woman; man and wife; couple.
- Bengali Word মাগুরEnglish definition(noun) 1 variety of catfish.
- Bengali Word মাগ্গিEnglish definitionexorbitantly high in price; dear; sky-high; prohibitive; expensive; highpriced. মাগ্গিগণ্ডা (noun) dearness and scarcity; sellers’ market. মাগ্গিগণ্ডার দিন/বাজার (noun) days of high price and scarcity. মাগ্গিভাতা (noun) dearness allowance.