ম পৃষ্ঠা ১৮
- Bengali Word মহুরী ১English definition(noun) (archaic) = মৌরি
- Bengali Word মহুয়াEnglish definition(noun) kind of flowering tree, its seeds or flowers (Bassia latifolia); mahua. মহুয়ার মউ/মধু (noun) honey of mahua; butter obtained from mahua seeds.
- Bengali Word মহেন্দ্রEnglish definition(noun) 1 the great Indra, king of gods. 2 a mythological mountain range. মহেন্দ্রাণী (feminine) Shaci, lndra’s wife. মহেন্দ্রকদলী (noun) a species of banana. মহেন্দ্রনগরী, মহেন্দ্রপুরী (noun(s) city of Indra; Amaravati.
- Bengali Word মহেশ, মহেশ্বরEnglish definition(noun(s) great lord/god; Shiva. মহেশানী, মহেশ্বরী (feminine) goddess Durga. মহেশপুরী (noun) Kailash, the city/abode of Shiva.
- Bengali Word মহেষ্বাসEnglish definition(adjective) having great skill in archery. (noun) great archer.
- Bengali Word মহোদধিEnglish definition(noun) great ocean.
- Bengali Word মহোদরEnglish definition(noun) large belly. (adjective) big-bellied, মহোদরী (feminine) = মহোদর.
- Bengali Word মহোদ্যমEnglish definition(noun) great effort/ exertion. (adjective) very energetic/ diligent/ persevering; studiously occupied/ busily engaged in.
- Bengali Word মহোদ্যোগEnglish definition(noun) great effort/ endeavour/ enterprise. (adjective) making great exertion; very laborious/ industrious.
- Bengali Word মহোদয়English definition(adjective) 1 = মহানুভব. 2 highly prosperous/opulent; pre-eminent; highly fortunate; honourable; respected: মন্ত্রী মহোদয়. (noun) (term of address) Sir. মহোদয়া (feminine) = মহোদয়.
- Bengali Word মহোন্নতEnglish definition(adjective) very high/ lofty; highly elevated/ exalted; greatly flouring/ prosperous. মহোন্নতি (noun) great elevation; high rank/ position; great prosperity/ progress.
- Bengali Word মহোপকারEnglish definition(noun) great aid/ assistance/ benefit/ service; great good turn. মহোপকারক, মহোপকারী (adjective(s)) very beneficial/ serviceable/ benevolent; highly benign. (noun) great benefactor.
- Bengali Word মহোরগEnglish definition(noun) great serpent; python.
- Bengali Word মহোৎসবEnglish definition(noun) great festival; great rejoicing; grand gala; great communion of Vaishnavas singing kirtan songs and eating together.
- Bengali Word মহোৎসাহEnglish definition(noun) great enthusiasm/energy/ zeal/ endeavour. (adjective) having great enthusiasm/ power/ energy/ zeal; very energetic/ enthusiastic. মহোৎসাহী (adjective) = মহোৎসাহ. মহোৎসাহে (adjective) with great enthusiasm/ zeal/ eagerness.
- Bengali Word মহৌষধEnglish definition(noun) very efficacious drug; sovereign remedy; panacea.
- Bengali Word মহৌষধি, মহৌষধীEnglish definition(noun(s) 1 great/ very efficacious medicinal plant; any phosphorescent shrub/ creeper. 2 name of various medicinal plants.
- Bengali Word মহৎEnglish definition(pronoun) (archaic) my. মহৎকর্তৃক by me. মহৎকৃত (adjective) done by me. মহৎ পুত্র (noun) my son. মহৎ প্রণীত (adjective) composed/written/compiled/done by me. মহৎ পরায়ণ (adjective) selfish; egocentric.
- Bengali Word মহৎ ২English definition(adjective) 1 great; noble; august; highminded: মহৎ ব্যক্তি , মহৎ উপন্যাস. 2 important; eminent; excellent; elevated; high. 3 large; big; vast; huge; ample; extensive. 4 numerous; considerable. মহতী (feminine) = মহৎ. মহৎকুল (noun) distinguished/ noble family. মহৎ সেবা (noun) service of the great; homage (rendered) to great men. মহৎস্থান high place; lofty position.
- Bengali Word মহড়াEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 rehearsal; practice. 2 front; lead; position at front/in the front-line; forefront; fore; foreground. মহড়া দেওয়া (verb transitive), rehearse (parts in a play etc). মহড়া নেওয়া/ ফেরানো/ রাখা/ রোখা (verb transitive) face; confront; face defiantly; bear the brunt (of); brave; breast; head up; spearhead; forge ahead.
- Bengali Word মা ১English definition(noun) (feminine) mother; mamma; mama; mum. 2 (of four-footed animals) dam. 3 goddess. 4 (term of address to) a young girl. (interjection) expresses surprise; pain; ridicule; tiredness (also মা গো, ওমা). মা-ছা (noun) mother and child. মাঝি (noun) mother and daughter. মাপো, মা বেটা (noun(s)) mother and son. মা বাপ (noun) 1 parents. 2 master, protector and guardian; only refuge. মা বাপগিরি (noun) bossing; patronizing attitude. মা মরা (adjective) motherless. ও মা কী হবে? exclamation) what will become of me? What is to be done now?
- Bengali Word মা ২English definition(noun) (music) the fourth note.
- Bengali Word মা-গোঁসাইEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) 1 wife of a religious preceptor; religious preceptress. 2 (facetious) very harmless, innocent and ineffective person; ingenue.
- Bengali Word মাংনাEnglish definition= মাগনা ( মাগন)
- Bengali Word মাংসEnglish definition(noun) flesh; meat. মাংসতুল্য (adjective) flesh-like. মাংসপেশি, মাংসপেশী (noun(s) muscle. মাংস বিক্রেতা (noun) meat-seller; butcher. মাংসবৃদ্ধি (noun) increase/growth of flesh; accumulation of fat; adipose. মাংসভোজী (adjective) flesh-eating; carnivorous; living on animal food. মাংসভোজিনী (feminine) = মাংসভোজী. মাংসল (adjective) fleshy; plump; fat; adipose. মাংসাদ, মাংসাশী (adjective) flesh-eating; carnivorous. মাংসের দোকান (noun) meat shop; butcher’s shop. কুক্কুট মাংস (noun) chicken; fowl. গোমাংস (noun) beef. ছাগমাংস (noun) mutton. পক্ষিমাংস (noun) fowl; chicken. বরাহমাংস (noun) pork. বাছুরের মাংস (noun) veal. মেষমাংস (noun) mutton. হরিণ মাংস (noun) venison.
- Bengali Word মাইEnglish definition(noun) 1 (female) breast; teat; nipple. 2 milk from the breast. মাই খাওয়া (verb transitive) suck one’s mother’s breast. মাই খাওয়ানো (verb transitive) give (a child) the breast; suckle; nurse (one’s baby) at the breast. মাই ছাড়া (verb transitive) stop sucking (the breast). মাই ছাড়ানো (verb transitive) wean (a baby). মাই ধরা (verb transitive) begin to suck one’s mother’s breast. মাই দিউনি (noun) (feminine) suckling nurse. মাই দুধ (noun) milk from the breast. মাই দেওয়া = মাই খাওয়ানো. মাই পোষ (noun) feeding-bottle. মাইয়ের বোঁটা (noun) nipple; teat.
- Bengali Word মাইক, মাইক্রোফোনEnglish definition[English] (noun(s)) mike; microphone.
- Bengali Word মাইজEnglish definition= মাজ ১
- Bengali Word মাইনEnglish definition[English] (noun) mine (weapon).
- Bengali Word মাইন(া) দারEnglish definition(noun) (dialect) salaried labourer/servant.