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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word বিপদাত্মকEnglish definition(adjective) dangerous; risky; perilous.
  • Bengali Word বিপদাপদEnglish definition(noun) (plural) dangers and difficulties.
  • Bengali Word বিপদাপন্নEnglish definition= বিপন্ন
  • Bengali Word বিপদুদ্ধারEnglish definition(noun) rescue/ release/ deliverance front danger. বিপদুদ্ধার করা (verb transitive) rescue/ release/ free/ deliver/ save from danger.
  • Bengali Word বিপন্নEnglish definition(adjective) involved in danger/ difficulty; afflicted; distressed; endangered; imperilled; fallen on evil days. বিপন্না (feminine) = বিপন্ন. বিপন্নতা (noun) misfortune; adversity; bad/ evil/ adverse fortune; affliction; hardship; trouble; ill fortune.
  • Bengali Word বিপন্মুক্তEnglish definition(adjective) free/ freed/ rescued/ delivered from danger or difficulty; out of danger. বিপন্মুক্ত করা (verb transitive) free/ rescue/ deliver from danger or difficulty. বিপন্মুক্তি (noun) = rescue/ release/ deliverance front danger.
  • Bengali Word বিপরিণামEnglish definition(noun) 1 change; reverse; upsetting. 2 death; destruction. বিপরিণামী (adjective) undergoing a change of state/ form; reversed; upset.
  • Bengali Word বিপরীতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 opposite; contrary; contradictory; opposing; contending; counteracting. 2 unusual; odd; strange: বিপরীত কর্ম. 3 unfavourable; adverse; inauspicious: বিপরীত বিধি/ ভাগ্য. 4 hideous; monstrous; terrific: বিপরীত মূর্তি. 5 turned round; reversed; inverted. 6 perverse; wrong; contrary to rule. 7 (arithmetic) reciprocal. 8 (geometry) converse; opposite: বিপরীত কোণ. (noun) (logic) contrary proposition. বিপরীতকারী (adjective) acting in a contrary manner; perverse; hostile; disobedient. বিপরীত ক্রিয়া (algebra) invertendo. বিপরীতগতি (noun) course against the current. বিপরীত প্রতিজ্ঞা (geometry) converse proposition. বিপরীত প্রতিবিম্ব (physics) inverted image. বিপরীত বুদ্ধি (adjective) wrongheaded. বিপরীত শব্দ (noun) antonym. বিপরীত শ্রেণী (algebra) harmonic series. বিপরীতভাবে (adverb) in reverse order; in the opposite manner; conversely.
  • Bengali Word বিপর্যস্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 turned over; overturned; upturned; reversed; contrary; inverted; topsy-turvy; thrown into confusion; disorderly. 2 upset; routed; destroyed; shattered; undone; demolished; utterly embarrassed; confounded. বিপর্যস্ত করা (verb transitive) 1 turn over; overturn; turn round; reverse; invert; put into disorder; thrown into confusion; disrupt. 2 destroy; demolish; upset; confound; disrupt; rout; embarrass utterly; convulse.
  • Bengali Word বিপর্যাসEnglish definition= বিপর্যয়
  • Bengali Word বিপর্যয়English definition(noun) 1 disaster; upset; reverse; reverse of fortune; change for the worse; calamity; misfortune; loss; ruin; overthrow; destruction 2 turning round; transposition; change; alteration; inverted order/ succession; opposite; inversion; disorder. বিপর্যয় ঘটানো (verb intransitive) cause/ bring about disaster/ destruction/ ruin; cause serious disruption. বিপর্যয় কাণ্ড (noun) a monstrous/ disastrous/ affair/ thing; a catastrophe.
  • Bengali Word বিপলEnglish definition(noun) a measure of time; moment; instant.
  • Bengali Word বিপশ্চিৎEnglish definition(noun) learned man; savant; scholar.
  • Bengali Word বিপাকEnglish definition(noun) 1 cooking; dressing. 2 effect; result; consequence. 3 bad/ ugly consequences: কর্ম বিপাক. 4 calamity; distress; misfortune; trouble. 5 metabolism; digestion. বিপাকে পড়া (verb intransitive) be in a predicament; fail/ run into a trouble or danger; get into scrapes. বিপাকীয় (adjective) metabolic.
  • Bengali Word বিপাশাEnglish definition(noun) the Beas (river in the Punjab).
  • Bengali Word বিপিতাEnglish definition(noun) step-father.
  • Bengali Word বিপিনEnglish definition(noun) forest; grove; wood; thicket. বিপিন বিহারী (adjective) wandering in woods for pleasure. (noun) Sri Krishna.
  • Bengali Word বিপুলEnglish definition(adjective) 1 large; big; huge: বিপুল শরীর. 2 extensive; wide; vast: বিপুল সমুদ্র. 3 abundant; numerous; important: বিপুল ফলসম্ভার. 4 loud: বিপুল শব্দ. 5 noble; magnanimous: বিপুল হৃদয়. 6 very deep; profound; greet: বিপুল স্নেহরাশি. 7 long: বিপুল সময়. 8 thick: বিপুল কান্তার. বিপুলা (feminine) = বিপুল. বিপুলতা (noun) largeness; greatness; extent; width; magnitude; vastness; loudness; abundance; profundity; magnanimity. বিপুলকায় (adjective) having a large/ huge body.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রEnglish definition(noun) learned Brahmin.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রকর্ষEnglish definition(noun) 1 distance; remoteness; difference; contrast. 2 (grammar) separation of two consonants by the insertion a vowel; vowel insertion. বিপ্রকর্ষণ (noun) dragging/ driving away; carrying off; repelling; repulsion.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রতীপEnglish definition(adjective) vertically opposite. বিপ্রতীপ কোণ (noun) (geometry) vertically opposite angle.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রযুক্তEnglish definition(adjective) separated; removed; absent from; free from; destitute of; severed; disunited; detached.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রলব্ধEnglish definition(adjective) deceived; disappointed. বিপ্রলব্ধা (noun) (feminine) a female disappointed by her lover’s breaking his appointment.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রলম্ভEnglish definition(noun) 1 quarrel; disagreement. 2 deception; deceit. 3 separation of lovers. 4 disunion; disjunction.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রলাপEnglish definition(noun) 1 talking idly; prattle; prattling. 2 altercation; mutual contradiction.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রয়াণEnglish definition(noun) departure; flight.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্রয়োগEnglish definition(noun) 1 disjunction; dissociation; separation (from). 2 quarrel; disagreement.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্লবEnglish definition(noun) 1 revolution; revolt; tumult; affray; rebellion; mutiny. 2 confusion; trouble; disaster; evil; calamity; misery; distress. 3 destruction; ruin. 4 loss; damage. বিপ্লবী (adjective) revolutionary. (noun) revolutionary; revolutionist. অন্তর্বিপ্লব (noun) internal strife; civil war. প্রতি বিপ্লব (noun) counter revolution. বিপ্লব ঘটানো (verb transitive) cause/ bring about a revolution; revolutionize.
  • Bengali Word বিপ্লুতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 upset; inundated; immersed. 2 disturbed; troubled; pestered. 3 thrown into confusion; routed; raided; confused; disordered; lost; perished. 4 agitated; excited; overwhelmed; troubled (as speech or reason); bewildered: আবেগ বিপ্লুত. 5 broken; violated (as chastity, vow, etc). 6 vicious; immoral. বিপ্লুতনেত্র, বিপ্লুতলোচন (adjective) having the eyes suffused/ bathed (with tears, joy, etc). বিপ্লুতভাষী (adjective) speaking confusedly; smattering.
  • Bengali Word বিপৎEnglish definition(noun) = বিপদ. বিপৎকাল (noun) 1 time of misfortune/ calamity. 2 adversity. বিপৎপূর্ণ (noun) fraught with dangers. বিপৎপাত (noun) misfortune; calamity. বিপৎসঙ্কুল (adjective) full of dangers and difficulties. বিপৎ সাগর (noun) ocean of misfortune; heavy calamity.