ব পৃষ্ঠা ৫৩
- Bengali Word বিফলEnglish definition(adjective) fruitless; useless; ineffectual; vain; futile; idle. বিফল করা (verb transitive) make fruitless; frustrate; foil; defeat; baffle. বিফল হওয়া (verb intransitive) be fruitless/ useless; be of no avail; abort; fail; be frustrated/ baffled. বিফলতা, বিফলত্ব noun(s) fruitlessness; uselessness; futility; unprofitableness; failure. বিফল প্রযত্ন (adjective) failed in one’s attempt; thwarted; baffled. বিফল শ্রম (adjective) exerting oneself in vain. বিফলীকরণ (noun) making fruitless; frustrating; foiling; defeating. বিফলীকৃত (adjective) made fruitless; foiled; frustrated; baffled. বিফলীভবন (noun) becoming fruitless. বিফলীভূত (adjective) become fruitless/ useless; baffled; foiled; frustrated. বিফলে (adverb) in vain.
- Bengali Word বিবদমানEnglish definition(adjective) quarrelling; disputing; contending.
- Bengali Word বিবমিষাEnglish definition(noun) vomiting tendency; nausea; qualm. বিবমিষূ (adjective) feeling nausea.
- Bengali Word বিবরEnglish definition(noun) 1 hole; chasm; slit; cleft; hollow; vacuity; interstice; cave; cavity; crevice; fissure.
- Bengali Word বিবরণEnglish definition(noun) 1 explanation; exposition; interpretation; gloss; comment. 2 account; description; narration; statement; recounting; narrative. 3 laying open/ bare; act of uncovering; spreading out. বিবরণ দেওয়া (verb transitive) give an account; narrate; describe. বিবরণী (noun) written account; report; communication; message; statement. বিবরণীয় (adjective) to be described/ narrated; worth publishing/ describing.
- Bengali Word বিবর্জকEnglish definition(adjective) avoiding; shunning; leaving. বিবর্জন (noun) act of avoiding/shunning/leaving. বিবর্জনীয় (adjective) to be avoided/ left/ abandoned বিবর্জনীয়া (feminine) = বিবর্জনীয়.
- Bengali Word বিবর্জিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 avoided; left; abandoned. 2 destitute/ deprived of; free/ exempt from: বিবেক বিবর্জিত বিবর্জিতা (feminine).
- Bengali Word বিবর্ণEnglish definition(adjective) discoloured; pale; wan; faded; washed-out; bloodless; sallow; pale-faced; waxen.
- Bengali Word বিবর্তনEnglish definition(noun) 1 evolution. 2 change; transformation; turning round; revolving; rotation; revolution. 3 moving/ wandering to and fro. 4 turning; turn; return. বিবর্তনবাদ বিবর্ত. বিবর্তনশীল (adjective) changing; rotating; evolving; turning round; rolling.
- Bengali Word বিবর্তিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 turned round; rotated; revolved. 2 returned; turned back. 3 evolved; changed; transformed. 4 averted; removed. বিবর্তিত সন্ধিভঙ্গ (noun) complete dislocation.
- Bengali Word বিবর্ধকEnglish definition(adjective) magnifying; amplifying. বিবর্ধক কাচ (noun) magnifying lens. ধ্বনি বিবর্ধকযন্ত্র (noun) amplifier.
- Bengali Word বিবর্ধনEnglish definition(noun) 1 augmenting; increasing; promoting; furthering. 2 augmentation; growth; increase; prosperity. 3 (phy) amplification; magnification. 4 enlargement.
- Bengali Word বিবর্ধিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 fully developed; grown; increased; enhanced; augmented; furthered; promoted; enlarged. 2 (physics) magnified; amplified. বিবর্ধিত করা (verb intransitive) 1 develop/ augment/ enlarge fully. 2 amplify; magnify.
- Bengali Word বিবশEnglish definition(adjective) 1 benumbed; stupefied; overwhelmed; deprived/ destitute of will. 2 fatigued; utterly helpless; powerless; inconsolable; beside oneself with. 3 unrestrained; independent বিবশা (feminine) of বিবশ.
- Bengali Word বিবসনEnglish definition(adjective) unclothed; naked; without clothes. বিবসনা (feminine).
- Bengali Word বিবস্ত্রEnglish definition= বিবসন. বিবস্ত্রা (feminine).
- Bengali Word বিবস্বানEnglish definition(noun) 1 god. 2 sun; sungod.
- Bengali Word বিবাগীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 indifferent to worldly interests or pleasures; self-renouncing; self-abnegating. 2 leaving one’s home or country; outcast. (noun) one who has renounced domestic ties or has left one’s home for good; wanderer.
- Bengali Word বিবাদEnglish definition(noun) 1 quarrel; dispute; contest; brawl; controversy; conflict; strife; altercation; hostility; fight. 2 contest at law; legal dispute; litigation; lawsuit. বিবাদ করা (verb intransitive) quarrel; dispute; contest; altercate; dispute; brawl; fight; fight at law. বিবাদপদ (noun) a subject to a dispute; lawsuit. বিবাদ-প্রিয় (adjective) quarrelsome; contentious. বিবাদশূন্য (adjective) harmonious; strifeless. বিবাদসূচি (noun) cause list.
- Bengali Word বিবাদার্থীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 = বিবাদপ্রিয়. ( বিবাদ). 2 seeking for litigation. (noun) litigant; plaintiff.
- Bengali Word বিবাদীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 disputing; contending; contesting. 2 under dispute: বিবাদী সম্পত্তি. 3 opposite; hostile. (noun) 1 litigant; party in a lawsuit; defendant. 2 contestant; opponent; opposite party. 3 (music) a note which is seldom used or altogether discarded in a particular musical mode. বিবাদিনী (feminine) = বিবাদী.
- Bengali Word বিবাস, বিবাসনEnglish definition(noun(s) banishment; separation. বিবাসিত (adjective) banished; exiled.
- Bengali Word বিবাসীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 banished; exiled. 2 living/ dwelling abroad. বিবাসিনী (feminine) = বিবাসী.
- Bengali Word বিবাহEnglish definition(noun) marriage; taking a wife; wedding; matrimony; wedlock; alliance; nuptial tie; union; consortium. বিবাহ করা (verb transitive) marry; get married; take somebody in marriage; take a wife; wed. বিবাহ দেওয়া (verb transitive) unite in marriage; give somebody in marriage; marry; wed; unite. বিবাহকাল (noun) the (right) time for marriage. বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ (noun) divorce; legal dissolution of marriage. বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ করা (verb transitive) divorce; dissolve a marriage. বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদকারী (noun) divorcee. বিবাহভোজ (noun) wedding-feast; bridal. বিবাহযোগ্য (adjective) marriageable বিবাহযোগ্যা (feminine). বিবাহ সভা (noun) place/ venue for a marriage-ceremony. বিবাহ সম্বন্ধ (noun) relation/ connection by marriage.
- Bengali Word বিবাহার্যEnglish definition= বিবাহযোগ্য. ( বিবাহ)
- Bengali Word বিবাহিতEnglish definition(adjective) married. বিবাহিতা (feminine) = বিবাহিত.
- Bengali Word বিবিEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) (feminine) 1 lady; respectable woman. 2 European/ Muslim lady. 3 wife. 4 mistress of the house. 5 foppish and ease-loving woman. 6 (cards) the queen. (adjective) foppish and ease-loving; elegant: বিবি বউ. বিবিয়ানা, বিবিআনি (noun) style of living in ease and foppishness; imitation of aristocratic or Eurpean ladies. বিবিজান (noun) (feminine) 1 (term of endearment for one’s wife) dear lady; my treasure/ darling/ dear. 2 European lady; foppish and ease-loving woman. বিবিজি (noun) (feminine) Mrs; Madame.
- Bengali Word বিবিক্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 separated; kept apart; detached; distinguished. 2 solitary; alone; isolated. 3 intent upon. 4 clear; distinct. বিবিক্তা (feminine) = বিবিক্ত.
- Bengali Word বিবিক্ষাEnglish definition(noun) wish to enter. বিবিক্ষু (adjective) wishing/ intending to enter.
- Bengali Word বিবিধEnglish definition(adjective) of various sorts; manifold; diverse; miscellaneous; various. বিবিধ পত্রী (adjective) (botany) heterophillous.