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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word বিনিয়তEnglish definition(adjective) restrained; controlled; regulated; checked.
  • Bengali Word বিনিয়ন্ত্রণEnglish definition(noun) decontrol. বিনিয়ন্ত্রণ করা (verb transitive) decontrol. বিনিয়ন্ত্রিত (adjective) decontrolled.
  • Bengali Word বিনিয়মEnglish definition(noun) 1 special rule. 2 limitation; restriction; restraint; prohibition. 3 disorder; irregularity.
  • Bengali Word বিনিয়োগEnglish definition(noun) 1 investment. 2 appointment; commission; employment. 3 charge; duty; sending; task. 4 application; use; employment. বিনিয়োগ করা (verb transitive) invest; lay out; appoint; commission; employ; entrust/ charge with; send; make use of.
  • Bengali Word বিনীতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 modest; humble; well behaved; meek; polite; submissive. 2 led/ taken away; removed. 3 trained; disciplined; tamed; educated. 4 one who has subdued his passions. বিনীতা (feminine) = বিনীত. বিনীতভাবে (adverb) humbly; politely.
  • Bengali Word বিনুEnglish definition(archaic, poetic) = বিনা
  • Bengali Word বিনুনিEnglish definition(noun) plaiting of hair; arranging (hair) in braids; forming into plait; braid of hair; pigtail.
  • Bengali Word বিনেEnglish definition বিনা
  • Bengali Word বিনোদEnglish definition(noun) 1 satisfaction; pleasure. 2 diversion; sport; pastime; playing/ amusing one’s self with. 3 eagerness; vehemence. (adjective) pleasant; pleasurable; charming; good-looking; pretty; exquisite; graceful; elegant; fair; comely; pleasing; entertaining; gratifying. বিনোদী, বিনোদিনী (feminine) = বিনোদ. বিনোদন 1 amusement; pastime; recreation; diversion; entertainment; gratification; act of making/ giving pleasure; relaxation: চিত্তবিনোদ. 2 removal; driving away: শ্রমবিনোদ. বিনোদবেণী (noun) kind of gold necklace. বিনোদ-রসিক (adjective) given/ addicted to pleasure. বিনোদশালা (noun) house for pleasure/ entertainment. বিনোদস্থান (noun) pleasure-ground; round for entertainment.
  • Bengali Word বিনোদাEnglish definition(verb transitive) (archaic, poetic) divert; amuse; entertain; give pleasure; please; delight.
  • Bengali Word বিনোদিতEnglish definition(adjective) diverted; amused; delighted. বিনোদা, বিনোদিয়া (adjective) (archaic) = বিনোদ. = বিনোদী.
  • Bengali Word বিন্তিEnglish definition[Portuguese] (noun) 1 a kind of card-game. 2 (in some card-games) tierce.
  • Bengali Word বিন্দুEnglish definition(noun) 1 a detached particle; globule. 2 drop; এক বিন্দু জল. 3 dot; spot: দশমিক বিন্দু. 4 coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows: কপালের সিন্দুর বিন্দু. 5 zero; cypher. 6 (geometry) point. 7 a whit; an iota; a particle: মনে এক বিন্দু সুখ নেই. 8 Anusvar (ং) ( বিন্দু-বিসর্গ). 9 semen. বিন্দুক (noun) small mark. বিন্দুচিত্রক (noun) spotted antelope. বিন্দুজাল, বিন্দুজালক (noun) collection/ mass of dots or spots. বিন্দুপাত (noun) falling in drops; dripping. বিন্দু বিন্দু (adverb) drop by drop; in drops. বিন্দু বিসর্গ (noun) (literally) the alphabetical letters ং and ঃ; (figurative) a particle; whit; an idea; the faintest hint; an inkling; তার এ বিষয়ে বিন্দু মাত্র ধারণা নেই. বিন্দু বিসর্গ জানা have the faintest knowledge/ idea (of) বিন্দুমাত্র even an iota/ bit/faintest trace/ shadow of. বিন্দু মাত্র না not in the least; not at all; not a whit/ jot/ tittle.
  • Bengali Word বিন্ধ্যEnglish definition(noun) the Vindhyas. বিন্ধ্য বাসিনী (noun) goddess Durga.
  • Bengali Word বিন্ধ্যাচলEnglish definition(noun) the Vindhya mountains.
  • Bengali Word বিন্যস্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 placed (down); put: পর পর বিন্যস্ত. 2 placed in an orderly manner; disposed; arranged. 3 tidied up; dressed; composed; neatly arranged: বিন্যস্ত কেশদাম. 4 arranged; spread out. বিন্যস্ত করা (verb transitive) put/ place (down); dispose; arrange; tidy up; compose; place/ lay on; array.
  • Bengali Word বিন্যাসEnglish definition(noun) 1 arrangement; disposition; order; act of placing in an orderly manner. 2 putting on (ornaments). 3 composition (of literary works, etc). 4 establishment; foundation. 5 array; arraying (of troops). 6 elaboration; narration at great length. 7 (algebra) permutation.
  • Bengali Word বিনয়English definition(noun) 1 modesty; mildness; humility; decency; meekness; submissiveness; solicitation. 2 gentleness; softness; politeness; suavity. 3 good breeding; propriety of conduct; education; good conduct; discipline. বিনয়া (feminine) of বিনয়. বিনয় গ্রাহী (adjective) conforming to rules of discipline; compliant; tractable; modest. বিনয়ন (noun) 1= বিনয়. 2 act of taming/ training; disciplining. 3 education; training. 4 taking away; removing. বিনয়পূর্বক (adverb) with humble submission. বিনয় বচন (noun) modest speech; profession of modesty; salutation. বিনয় বধির (adjective) deaf to solicitation; insensible to modesty/ politeness.
  • Bengali Word বিনয়াবনতEnglish definition(adjective) bending down modestly; bowing low with modesty. বিনয়াবনতা (feminine).
  • Bengali Word বিনয়ীEnglish definition(adjective) modest; humble; meek; polite; gentle; unassuming; demure; submissive; obeisant; disciplined বিনয়িনী (feminine).
  • Bengali Word বিপক্বEnglish definition(adjective) completely matured/ ripened/ developed.
  • Bengali Word বিপক্ষEnglish definition(noun) opponent; rival; adversary; enemy; disputant; opposite party; antagonist. (adjective) deprived of wings; wingless. বিপক্ষতা (noun) rivalry; hostility; enmity; opposition; antagonism. বিপক্ষ দল (noun) rival/ opposite party; enemy forces. বিপক্ষপাত (adjective) impartial; unbiased. বিপক্ষপাতী (adjective) opposed/ hostile to; against. বিপক্ষভাব a hostile disposition. বিপক্ষীয় (adjective) of a rival party/ the enemy forces. বিপক্ষে prep against.
  • Bengali Word বিপজ্জনকEnglish definition(adjective) dangerous; risky; unsafe; perilous; hazardous; insecure.
  • Bengali Word বিপণনEnglish definition(noun) marketing; selling.
  • Bengali Word বিপণি, বিপণীEnglish definition(noun) shop; stall; fair; market-place; sales emporium. বিপণী (noun) trader; shopkeeper; merchant.
  • Bengali Word বিপত্তারিণীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) any Hindu goddess who keeps/ saves from trouble or danger.
  • Bengali Word বিপত্তিEnglish definition(noun) 1 going wrongly; adversity; misfortune; agony; torment; mishap; danger; failure; disaster. 2 destruction; ruin; death. 3 unfavourableness (of time); sharp turn in one’s affair. বিপত্তিকর (adjective) causing misfortune/ calamity/ danger/ adversity/ trouble; calamitous. বিপত্তিকাল (noun) season of adversity/ misfortune. বিপত্তি খণ্ডন (noun) removal of adversity. বিপত্তিনাশন, বিপত্তিভঞ্জন (adjective(s), (noun(s) removing/ remedying misfortune/ adversity. বিপত্তিরহিত (adjective) free from misfortune.
  • Bengali Word বিপত্নীকEnglish definition(adjective) one whose wife is dead. (noun) widower.
  • Bengali Word বিপথEnglish definition(noun) wrong road; bad road; evil way; evil course; bad conduct. বিপথগামী (adjective) 1 going in a wrong way/ evil course; gone astray; one to the bad. 2 (astronomy) aberrated, বিপথগামিনী (feminine) = বিপথগামী. বিপথে যাওয়া (verb intransitive) go astray; go to the bad; pursue evil courses; (astronomy) aberrate; be on the wrong track.
  • Bengali Word বিপদEnglish definition(in compounds) (noun) misfortune; adversity; calamity; mishap; failure; ruin; danger; risk; hazard; difficulty; disaster; trouble. বিপদগর্ভ (adjective) dangerous; fraught with dangers and difficulties. বিপদগ্রস্ত (adjective) fallen into misfortune; afflicted; endangered; imperiled. বিপদদশা (noun) state of misfortune; calamitous position. বিপদবহুল (adjective) fraught with dangers and difficulties; perilous. বিপদভঞ্জন (adjective) = removing/ remedying misfortune/ adversity. বিপদযুক্ত (adjective) attended with misfortune; dangerous. বিপদরহিত (adjective) free from danger/ misfortune. বিপদে পড়া (verb transitive) run/ fall into a danger; be involved in a danger. বিপদে ফেলা (verb transitive) endanger; imperil; put/ bring into danger; put at risk.