স পৃষ্ঠা ১২
- Bengali Word সজ্জন ২English definition(noun) equipment;preparation;caparisoning an elephant.
- Bengali Word সজ্জাEnglish definition(noun) 1 dress; decoration. 2 equipment;armour; mail. 3 preparation. 4 furnishings;fittings and furniture; outfit; accoutrements. 5arraying. সজ্জাকক্ষ, সজ্জাগৃহ noun(s) dressing-room; greenroom.
- Bengali Word সজ্জাকৃত, সজ্জীভূতEnglish definition(adjective) = সজ্জিত
- Bengali Word সজ্জিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 dressed; decorated; ornamented; adorned. 2 equipped; prepared; (made) ready for/ to. armed. 3 furnished. 4 arrayed. সজ্জিতা (feminine) = সজ্জিত. সজ্জিতকরা (verb intransitive) 1 dress; decorate; adorn. 2 equip; prepare; fit out; arm; made ready for. 3 furnish. 4 array.
- Bengali Word সজ্জীকরণEnglish definition(noun) 1 dressing; decoration; adorning; adornment. 2 equipping; arming; accoutrement; preparation. 3 furnishing. 4 arraying.
- Bengali Word সজ্ঞানEnglish definition(adjective) conscious; aware; in one’s senses.
- Bengali Word সজ্ঞানেEnglish definition(adverb) consciously; knowingly.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চকীEnglish definition(noun) 1 moulder.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চরণEnglish definition(noun) going together/ through; passing over from; passage; motion; movement; roaming; circulation. সঞ্চরণ করা (verb intransitive) go/ wander about; roam; walk about; drive/ ride in/ on; go in/ through; enter; traverse; pervade; pass over to; pass from one to another; move; circulate. সঞ্চরণশীল (adjective) disposed to move/ ramble about; (engaged in) moving / circulating/ roaming; mobile; ambulatory.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চরমানEnglish definition(adjective) on the move; in the state of moving/ roaming; roving; rambling; passing; wandering.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চরাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) (poetic) = সঞ্চরণ করা
- Bengali Word সঞ্চরিতEnglish definition(adjective) moved; circulated; passed; set in motion; handed round. সঞ্চরিতহওয়া = সঞ্চরণ করা.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চরিষ্ণুEnglish definition(adjective) disposed to move / ramble about.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চলিতEnglish definition(adjective) moved; circulated; shaken;agitated; quivering;trembling; fluttering. সঞ্চলিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) move about/ to and fro;oscillate;quiver; travel; flutter; circulate.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চলিত ২English definition(adjective) moved; agitated; set in motion; waved; induced; excited; aroused. সঞ্চলিতা (feminine) = সঞ্চলিত ২.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চারEnglish definition(noun) 1 walking about; wandering; roaming;driving; riding; anymotion; movement; gait. 2 transit; passage. 3 passing over; transition; transference. 4 (astrology) passage / entrance of the sun into a new sign. 5 transmission (of disease); contagion. 6 infusion: প্রাণ সঞ্চার. 7 arousing; excitation; incitation; inciting; impelling: ভয় সঞ্চার. 8 pervasion; diffusion: আলোক সঞ্চার. 9 accumulation; collection: মেঘ সঞ্চার. 10 transfusion: রক্ত সঞ্চার. 11 advent; beginning; appearance; onset; oncoming: যৌবন সঞ্চার. সঞ্চার করা (verb transitive) convey; transmit; transfer; communicate; infuse; transfuse; inspires incite; arouse. সঞ্চারক (adjective) transferring; communicating; inspiring; arousing; inciting; awakening. (noun) leader; guide. সঞ্চারণ (noun) = সঞ্চার.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চারিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 caused to go; moved; set in motion. 2 impelled; driven; guided. 3 transmitted; communicated. 4 inspired; excited; incited; roused. 5 infused. 6 transfused. 7 transited (to another zodiac sign). 8 accumulated; collected. 9 begun; set in. সঞ্চারকরা (verb transitive) 1 transmit; transfuse; communicate; rouse; incite; infuse. 2 cause; set in; bring; set in motion; cause to pass through/ go; lead. সঞ্চারহওয়া (verb intransitive) 1 wander/ walk about; move; roam; go in/ through; enter. 2 traverse; pervade. 3 issue from; ensue. 4 be transmitted/ communicated. 5 be roused/incited/ infused with. 6 be transfused. 7 make a transit. 8 (astronomy, astrology) make a transit to another zodiacal sign.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চারীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 going together / about; going hither and thither; roaming; wandering; moving in; in motion; passing. 2 going/ passing from one to another. 3 transmitted; infectious; contagious; hereditary. 4 penetrating into. 5 passing away; transitory; adventitious; unsteady; inconstant; temporary; evanescent. 6 influencing; impelling; inciting; rousing; setting in motion. 7 infusing; transfusing. 8 (music) ascending and descending. (noun) 1 (music) the third line/ step of an Indian musical mode (রাগ). 2 (rhetorical) passing sentiment which accompanies the principal sentiment in a piece of poetical composition; transitory sentiment. সঞ্চারিণী (adjective), (feminine) = সঞ্চারী.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চালকEnglish definition(adjective) one who moves/ guides/ controls/ initiated. (noun) guide; initiator; mover. সঞ্চালিকা (feminine) = সঞ্চালক.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চালনEnglish definition(noun) moving about; movement;circulation; trembling; fluttering; shaking;agitation.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চালন ২English definition(noun) moving; agitating; shaking; waving; inducing; excitation; arousal. সঞ্চারকরা (verb transitive) move; agitate; set in motion; circulate; wave; shake.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চায়কEnglish definition(adjective) accumulating. (noun) accumulator. সঞ্চায়ক ব্যাটারি (noun) secondary/ storagebattery.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চিতEnglish definition(adjective) piled together; gathered; collected; accumulated; heaped up; amassed; hoarded; saved; stored. সঞ্চিতা (noun) selected works; anthology.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চীয়মানEnglish definition(adjective) being gathered/ collected/ accumulated/saved/ stored.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চেয়English definition(adjective) to be gathered/ collected/ accumulated/ saved.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চয়English definition(noun) 1 collection; gathering; accumulation. 2 heap; hoard; storage; store; stock. 3 saving; savings. সঞ্চয় করা (verb transitive) gather together; accumulate; collect; acquire; pile/ heap up; amass; save; store; stock. সঞ্চয় কোষ (noun) secondary/ storage cell. সঞ্চয়ন (noun) 1 = সঞ্চয়. 2 compilation. 3 selected works; anthology: প্রবন্ধ. সঞ্চয়ন, সঞ্চয়নী (noun) magazine. সঞ্চয়শীল (adjective) in the habit of saving; provident; thrifty; frugal; sparing. সঞ্চয়শীলতা (noun) habit of saving; frugality; thrift; providence; sparingness; parsimony.
- Bengali Word সঞ্চয়িতাEnglish definition(noun) collection/ selection (of poems).
- Bengali Word সঞ্চয়ীEnglish definition(adjective) (given to) saving; thrifty; frugal; sparing; accumulating. সঞ্চয়ী হিসাব (noun) savings account.
- Bengali Word সঞ্জননEnglish definition(noun) production; creation; generation; growth; development; effecting. সঞ্জননা = সঞ্জনন.
- Bengali Word সঞ্জাতEnglish definition(adjective) born; produced; grown; arisen; become; sprung; evolved; appeared.