স পৃষ্ঠা ১১
- Bengali Word সঙ্গোপিত, সংগোপিতEnglish definition(adjective) (perfectly) hidden/ concealed.
- Bengali Word সঙ্ঘEnglish definition(noun) 1 association; society; community;company; guild; club. 2 any collection/assembly; heap; multitude; quantity; crow;host;number. 3 clerical community;congregation; church. 4 (Buddhist) the whole community / collective body/ brotherhood of works. সঙ্ঘ ক্রিয়াবাদ (noun) collectivism. সঙ্ঘচারী (adjective) going inflocks/ shoals; gregarious. সঙ্ঘজীবী (adjective) living in company;belonging to a vagrantband. (noun) hired labourer; porter. সঙ্ঘ বদ্ধ (adjective) united; incorporatedconcerted; combined.
- Bengali Word সঙ্ঘারামEnglish definition(noun) Buddhist convent/ monastery (সঙ্ঘ).
- Bengali Word সচকিতEnglish definition(adjective) startled; alarmed; timid; on the alert; alerted.
- Bengali Word সচঞ্চলEnglish definition(adjective) agitated; restless; excited.
- Bengali Word সচন্দনEnglish definition(adjective) together with sandal wood paste.
- Bengali Word সচরাচরEnglish definition(adjective) usually; generally; commonly; customarily; often.
- Bengali Word সচলEnglish definition(adjective) moving; mobile; active; current; effective; locomotive. সচলকরা (verb transitive) put/ set in motion; activate.
- Bengali Word সচিত্রEnglish definition(adjective) garnished/ together with pictures; illustrated; painted; variegated.
- Bengali Word সচিবEnglish definition(noun) secretary; counsellor; companion.
- Bengali Word সচেতকEnglish definition(noun) (politics) whip. মুখ্যসচেতক (noun) chief whip.
- Bengali Word সচেতনEnglish definition(adjective) 1 sentient animate; rational; sensible. 2 conscious; living; aware; alive; 3 vigilant; alert. সচেতনতা (noun) consciousness; awareness sensibility. সচেতন দৃষ্টি (adjective) vigilant; alert. সচেতন থাকা (verb intransitive) be on the alert / look-out; exercise vigilance; be aware / vigilant / alive.
- Bengali Word সচেষ্টEnglish definition(adjective) making effort/ exertion; active.
- Bengali Word সচ্চরিত্রEnglish definition(adjective) having a good character; virtuous; chaste; morally excellent. (noun) good conduct. সচ্চরিত্রা (adjective) (feminine) = সচ্চরিত্র. সচ্চরিত্রতা (noun) good conduct; virtuousness; moral excellence; chastity.
- Bengali Word সচ্চিদানন্দEnglish definition(noun) existence and thought and joy; name of the one self-existent spirit. (adjective) eternal, omniscient and blissful.
- Bengali Word সচ্চিন্তাEnglish definition(noun) good thought.
- Bengali Word সচ্ছলEnglish definition(adjective) well-to-do; well-off solvent. সচ্ছলতা (noun) well-to-do/ well-off state; comfort; ease.
- Bengali Word সচ্ছিদ্র, সছিদ্রEnglish definition(adjective) 1 having hole(s); porous; perforated. 2 having defects; faulty.
- Bengali Word সজদাEnglish definition= সেজদা
- Bengali Word সজনEnglish definition(adjective) together with men/ people; frequented/ inhabited by men. (noun) man of the same family; kinsman.
- Bengali Word সজনীEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) confidante; sweet-heart; lady-love.
- Bengali Word সজলEnglish definition(adjective) possessing/ containing water;watery; wet; humid;tearful. সজল নয়নে (adverb) withtears in one’s eyes. সজল মেঘ (noun) rain-closed;nimbus.
- Bengali Word সজাগEnglish definition(adjective) wakeful; awake; vigilant; aware;conscious; on the alert;alive.
- Bengali Word সজাতিEnglish definition(adjective) belonging to the same tribe/ caste/class/ kind;similar. (noun) son of a man and woman of the same caste.
- Bengali Word সজাতীয়English definition(adjective) of the same caste/ kind/ species;homogeneous,like; similar; kindred;resembling. সজাতীয়া (feminine) = সজাতীয়. সজাতীয়তা (noun) homogeneity; similarity.
- Bengali Word সজারুEnglish definition=শজারু
- Bengali Word সজিনাEnglish definition=শজিনা
- Bengali Word সজীবEnglish definition(adjective) 1 having life; alive; living; animate. 2 vivacious; lively; fresh; invigorated. সজীব করা (verb transitive) animate; vivify; rejuvenate; invigorate;activate.
- Bengali Word সজোরেEnglish definition(adjective) forcefully; forcibly; violently; byviolence.
- Bengali Word সজ্জন ১English definition(noun) good/ virtuous/ wise/ honest man. (adjective) well-born; respectable; virtuous;amiable.