ল পৃষ্ঠা ৮
- Bengali Word লাঞ্ছনাEnglish definition(noun) reproach; rebuke; reprimand; disgrace; harassment; insult; indignity; ignominy. লাঞ্ছনা করা (verb transitive) reproach; rebuke; reprimand; admonish; disgrace; insult; subject to indignities; persecute; harass.
- Bengali Word লাঞ্ছিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 marked; decorated; characterized by; endowed/ furnished with; bearing a particular emblem/ sign. 2 reproached; rebuked; reprimanded; disgraced; harassed; insulted; persecuted. 3 stained; tarnished; spotted; soiled. লাঞ্ছিতা (feminine) = লাঞ্ছিত.
- Bengali Word লাট ১English definition[English] (noun) 1 governor; governor-general (also বড়ো লাট); military governor জঙ্গি লাট: 2 lord. লাট করা (verb transitive) promote to a very high rank. ছোট লাট (noun) provincial governor; lieutenant governor. লাট বেলাট (noun) (plural) (ironical) lords and nobles; bigwigs.
- Bengali Word লাট ২English definition[English] 1 (noun) parcel of an estate. 2 parcel of land (especially agricultural) marked out for administrative purpose. 3 set of things offered together for sale; lot. 4 rent payable on a specific day. লাটবন্দি (adjective) (of land) marked out for auction (to realize arrears of rent); divided in lots. লাট বন্দি করা (also লাটকরা) divide into lots; mark out for auction.
- Bengali Word লাট ৩English definition(adjective) 1 (of clothes) having the crease spoiled; crumpled; ruffled; shabby; rumpled. 2 prostrate on the ground. (noun) worn-out clothes. লাট করা (verb transitive) crumple; ruffle; rumple. লাট খাওয়া (verb intransitive) 1 (of measles, etc) sink. 2 (of kites) behave awkwardly and refuse to keep flying; spin. মেরে লাট করা (verb transitive) knock somebody senseless/ reeling to the ground; knock down. লাট ভাঙা (adjective) = লাট.
- Bengali Word লাট ৪English definition(noun) pillar; steeple: অশোক লাট. জয়ৎ লাট (noun) victory column.
- Bengali Word লাটাইEnglish definition(noun) reel; bobbin; spool.
- Bengali Word লাটিম, লাটু, লাট্টুEnglish definition(noun) top. লাটিম ঘোরানো (verb transitive) spin a top.
- Bengali Word লাঠানোEnglish definition(verb transitive) beat with a stick/ rod chasten; birch; trash; batter; cudgel.
- Bengali Word লাঠালাঠিEnglish definition(noun) 1 fighting with staffs/ sticks. 2 serious quarrel. লাঠালাঠি করা (verb intransitive) fight one another with staffs/ sticks; come to blows.
- Bengali Word লাঠিEnglish definition(noun) stick; staff. লাঠি খেলা (verb transitive) fight with sticks as a sport; practise fighting with sticks. লাঠি পেটা করা (verb transitive) hit with a stick; birch; thrash; trounce. লাঠি বাজি করা (verb intransitive) fight with sticks; lead a violent life. লাঠিমারা = লাঠিপেটা করা. লাঠিঠেঙ্গা, লাঠিসোটা noun(s) (plural) sticks of different sizes. লাঠিয়াল (noun) (skilled) fighter with sticks; ruffian; gangster; hoodlum. লাঠিয়ালি (noun) skill in the profession of fighting with sticks.
- Bengali Word লাড্ডুEnglish definition= লড্ডু
- Bengali Word লাথEnglish definition= (noun) (dialect) = লাথি
- Bengali Word লাথিEnglish definition(noun) kick; leg. লাথি ওঁচানো (verb transitive) aim a kick. লাথি খাওয়া (verb intransitive) be kicked; receive a kick. লাথি দেওয়া/মারা (verb transitive) kick; give somebody a kick. লাথি লাগা (verb intransitive) be touched by somebody’s foot. লাথি খেকো (adjective) one who is always killed for his misdeeds; vile; abject; base; ignoble.
- Bengali Word লাদ ১English definition= নাদ
- Bengali Word লাদ ২English definition= নাদা
- Bengali Word লাদাEnglish definition(verb transitive) load. লাদাই (noun) load; burden: cargo.
- Bengali Word লাদাবিEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) unclaimed.
- Bengali Word লাদিEnglish definition= নাদি
- Bengali Word লানতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) curse; imprecation; abuse; execration. লানত করা/ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) curse; imprecate.
- Bengali Word লান্সনায়েকEnglish definition(noun) (in the Army) brevet naik ( নায়েক).
- Bengali Word লাপাত্তাEnglish definition(adjective) traceless; vanished.
- Bengali Word লাফEnglish definition= লম্ফ. লাফ ঝাঁপ = লম্ফঝম্ফ. লাফানি (noun) leaping; jumping; skipping; frisking; fretting; hopping; bounding; bounce. লাফনে (adjective) frisking; jumping; hopping; fretful. লাফানো (verb intransitive) leap; jump; skip. hop; bounce; fret; bound. লাফানি (noun) jumping; frisking; flouncing; fuss. লাফালাফি করা (verb intransitive) frisk gambol; flounce; caper; cut caper(s); be impatient; fret; fuss. লাফালাফি-ঝাঁপাঝাঁপি (noun) frolic.
- Bengali Word লাব, লাবকEnglish definition(noun(s) a variety of perdix (Perdix chinesis).
- Bengali Word লাবণEnglish definition(adjective) of salt; saline; salt; salted.
- Bengali Word লাবণি, লাবণীEnglish definition(noun) (poetic) = লাবণ্য
- Bengali Word লাবণিকEnglish definition(adjective) = লাবণ. (noun) salt-seller.
- Bengali Word লাবণ্যEnglish definition(noun) 1 beauty; loveliness; grace; charm. 2 saltness; taste/ property of salt. লাবণ্যবর্জিত (adjective) graceless; ugly; plain. লাবণ্যময় (adjective) having a charming/ graceful figure; graceful; lovely লাবণ্যময়ী (feminine) = লাবণ্য. লাবণ্যশ্রী (noun) great beauty. লাবণ্যার্জিত (adjective) obtained through beauty; (noun) gift presented to a bride at her marriage by father-in-law and mother-in-law.
- Bengali Word লাবণ্যোজ্জ্বলEnglish definition(adjective) resplendent in beauty.
- Bengali Word লাবড়াEnglish definition(noun) dish of mixed vegetables.