ল পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word লম্ফ ২English definition(adjective) 1 (geometry) perpendicular; vertical; orthogonal. 2 hanging down; pendant; dangling; plumb; upright; straight. 3 (geog) orthographic(al). (noun) (geometry) perpendicular. অভিক্ষেপ (noun) (geometry) orthographic projection orthography; 2 (geometry) orthogonal projection. লম্ফ কর্ণ (adjective) having pendulous ears; long eared. (noun) 1 ass. 2 rabbit. 3 goat. 4 elephant. লম্ফকায় (adjective) tall; funky. লম্ফচ্ছেদ (geometry) normal section. লম্ফঠুণ্ট (adjective) long-beaked. লম্ফন (noun) hanging down; causing to hang down. 2 (astronomy, physics) parallax. লম্ফন-পদ্ধতি (noun) (physics) parallax method. লম্ফবিন্দু (noun) (geometry) orthocenter . লম্ফবৃত্ত (astronomy) vertical circle. লম্ফমান (adjective) hanging; suspended; pendant; dependant. লম্ফসূত্র (noun) (mech) plumb-line.
- Bengali Word লম্বরদারEnglish definition(noun) leader of tenants entrusted with the charge of collecting revenue from other tenants.
- Bengali Word লম্বাEnglish definition(adjective) 1 long; tall; long-continued; lengthy. 2 incessant; continuous; uninterrupted: লম্বা ঘুম, লম্বা বৃষ্টি. 3 (figurative) boastful; grandiloquent. (noun) vertical/ downward length; লম্বা করা (verb transitive) 1 lengthen; extend. 2 lay prostrate on the ground by beating. লম্বা দেওয়া (verb intransitive) decamp; take to one’s heels; flee; run away; skip off; make off. লম্বা হাওয়া (verb intransitive) lay oneself down; prostrate oneself; lie prostrate; stretch oneself out (on); lie on at full length. লম্বাই (noun) length; measure of length. লম্বাই-চওড়াই (noun) 1 (measure) of length and breadth; 2 boastful/ grandiloquent talk; bluster; bragging. লম্বাংশ (noun) polar distance. লম্বা কথা (noun) tall/ big/ boastful talk; vaunt; bluster. লম্বা চাল (noun) extravagance; prodigality; excessive pomp (usually beyond one’s means); swagger; swank. লম্বাটে (adjective) slightly tall; tallish; longish. লম্বা লম্বি (adverb) lengthwise; lengthways.
- Bengali Word লম্বিকাEnglish definition(noun) uvula; epiglottis.
- Bengali Word লম্বিতEnglish definition(adjective) hanging (down); pendant; suspended; flowing; dangling; glided down; clinging/ adhering to; supported/ nested on . লম্বিতবেণী (noun) long plait of hair; pigtail.
- Bengali Word লম্বেEnglish definition(adverb) (colloquial) in length.
- Bengali Word লম্বোদরEnglish definition(adjective) having a large/ protuberant belly; pot-bellied; corpulent. (noun) Hindu god Ganesha.
- Bengali Word লম্বৌষ্ঠEnglish definition(adjective) having a large/ prominent under-lip. (noun) camel.
- Bengali Word লরিEnglish definition[English] (noun) lorry.
- Bengali Word ললজিহ্বEnglish definition(adjective) lolling the tongue; moving the tongue to and fro; fierce; savage; bloodthirsty.
- Bengali Word ললনEnglish definition(noun) 1 sporting; playing; dalliance; play. 2 amorous sport. 3 lolling/ moving (of the tongue).
- Bengali Word ললনাEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) 1 (beautiful) woman. 2 woman. 3 tongue. ললনা প্রিয় (adjective) 1 dear to women. 2 loving one's wife.
- Bengali Word ললন্তিকাEnglish definition(noun) long pendulous necklace.
- Bengali Word ললাটEnglish definition(noun) 1 forehead; brow; front. 2 destiny; fate; luck. ললাটক (noun) beautiful/ large brow. ললাটতট (noun) slope/ surface of the forehead. ললাটদেশ (noun) region of the forehead. ললাটপট্ট (noun) flat surface of the forehead; large forehead. ললাটভূষণ (noun) ornament for the forehead; tiara; fillet. ললাটরেখা (noun) line on the forehead supposed to indicate long life; wrinkled/ corrugated brow. ললাটলিখন, ললাটলিপি noun(s) lines written on the forehead; destiny.
- Bengali Word ললাটিকাEnglish definition(noun) 1 ornament worm on the forehead. 2 coloured sectarial mark (of sandal-paste, clay, etc) on the forehead.
- Bengali Word ললামEnglish definition(noun) = ললাটিকা. (adjective) beautiful; charming; eminent / best of its kind.
- Bengali Word ললিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 charming; lovely; beautiful; pleasant. 2 gentle; soft. 3 artless; innocent. 4 desired; wished for. 5 quivering; tremulous. 6 playing; amorous; voluptuous; wanton. 7 (of speech) suave; bland. ললিতা (feminine) = ললিত. (noun) 1 languid gestures in a woman (expressive of amorous feelings). 2 dance of Indian dancing girls. 3 name of an Indian musical mode. 4 sport; dalliance; artlessness; grace; charm. ললিত কলা (noun) fine arts; a fine art.
- Bengali Word ললিতাEnglish definition(noun) (feminine) 1 goddess Durga. 2 name of a companion of Radha. 3 woman; wanton woman.
- Bengali Word লশকরEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 army; encampment; camp; crowd. 2 naval soldier; sailor. 3 soldier.
- Bengali Word লশন, লসূনEnglish definition(noun(s) (archaic) garlic.
- Bengali Word লসEnglish definition(noun) (physics) viscosity.
- Bengali Word লসিকাEnglish definition(noun) l ymph. লসিকা তন্তুবৃদ্ধি (noun) lymphatic growth. লসিকা নালী (noun) lymph (atic) vessel. লসিকায়নী (adjective) lymphatic.
- Bengali Word লস্করEnglish definition= লশকর
- Bengali Word লস্সিEnglish definition(noun) milk-shake; a drink made of yoghurt.
- Bengali Word লহনাEnglish definition(noun) dues; amount outstanding; dues other than rent.
- Bengali Word লহমাEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) minute; moment; twinkle of an eye; short while.
- Bengali Word লহরEnglish definition(noun) 1 (large) wave; billow; breaker surf. 2 row; coil.
- Bengali Word লহরি, লহরীEnglish definition= লহর. লহরি লীলা (noun) surfing.
- Bengali Word লহাEnglish definition(verb transitive) (old use) = লওয়া
- Bengali Word লহু ১English definition(noun) blood.