ল পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word লঙ্ঘাEnglish definition(verb transitive) (poetic) = লঙ্ঘন করা. লঙ্ঘানো (verb transitive) cause to leap over/ traverse/ violate.
- Bengali Word লঙ্ঘিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 left over; crossed; scaled; passed over; traversed. 2 violated; overstepped; disregarded; transgressed; not complied with/ abided by/ observed; infringed.
- Bengali Word লচপচ, লচলচEnglish definitionnoun(s) (onomatopoeia) expressing the slow movement of a full-blown youthful woman. লচপচে, লচলচে (adjective) sluggish; languid; indolent leisurely.
- Bengali Word লছমী, লছিমীEnglish definitionnoun(s) (poetic, archaic) = লক্ষ্মী
- Bengali Word লজঝড়English definition(adjective) 1 indolent; lethargic; slothful. 2 worthless; good for nothing; trashy: লজঝড় লোক, লজঝড় মাল. 3 unmanageable: unwieldy; cumbersome: লজঝড় বোঝা. 4 miserly; niggardly.
- Bengali Word লজঞ্চুস, লজেঞ্চুসEnglish definition[English] (noun) lozenge.
- Bengali Word লজিকEnglish definition[English] (noun) logic.
- Bengali Word লজিজEnglish definition[Arabic] (adjective) sweet; delicious; tasteful, savoury; nice; delightful; piquant.
- Bengali Word লজ্জতEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) taste; flavour; joy; pleasure; deliciousness; enjoyment.
- Bengali Word লজ্জমানEnglish definition(adjective) feeling abashed; bashful; timid.
- Bengali Word লজ্জাEnglish definition(noun) 1 shame; bashfulness; modesty; sense of delicacy; embarrassment. 2 hesitation; diffidence. 3 disgrace. লজ্জা দেওয়া (verb transitive) shame; put to shame; put out of countenance; discountenance; embarrass; confuse. লজ্জা পাওয়া (verb intransitive) be ashamed; blush; feel shame; be abashed/ discountenanced; be embarrassed; feel timid; hesitate; feel diffident. লজ্জাবোধ করা (verb intransitive) feel shame; feel diffident; feel self-conscious; feel uncomfortable. লজ্জাকর, লজ্জাজনক (adjective) causing shame; disgraceful; shameful. লজ্জাজনিত (adjective) due to/ born of bashfulness/ modesty/ sense of delicacy. লজ্জাদৃষ্টি (noun) bashful glance. লজ্জানত, লজ্জানম্র (adjective) bending down with bashfulness; coy. লজ্জান্বিত (noun) possessed of shame; modest; bashful. লজ্জাবনত (adjective) bending down the face with shame/ bashfulness; stooping low with shame/ bashfulness/ modesty. লজ্জাবনত মুখে (adverb) shame-facedly; bashfully; coyly. লজ্জাবহ (adverb) causing shame; disgraceful. লজ্জারান (adjective) ashamed; bashful; embarrassed; perplexed লজ্জাবতী (feminine). লজ্জাবতী লতা (noun) the sensitive plant; Mimosa pudica. লজ্জা বিনম্রানন (adjective) bending down the face with shame/ bashfulness. লজ্জাবোধ (noun) (feeling of) shame; sense of disgrace; sentiment of shame/ modesty; modesty. লজ্জাবিহীন/ রহিত adjective(s) void/ destitute of shame; shameless; immodest; impudent. লজ্জাশীল (adjective) of modest disposition; bashful; humble; coy; shy লজ্জাশীলা (feminine). লজ্জাশূন্য লজ্জা হীন = লজ্জাবিহীন লজ্জাশূন্যা, লজ্জাহীনা (feminine). লজ্জাশূন্যতা, লজ্জাহীনতা noun(s) immodesty; shamelessness.
- Bengali Word লজ্জালুEnglish definition(adjective) shy; coy; bashful; timid. (noun) Mimosa pudica. লজ্জালু লতা (noun) Mimosa padica.
- Bengali Word লজ্জিতEnglish definition(adjective) ashamed; abashed; embarrassed; put to shame; discountenanced.
- Bengali Word লট, লট্টEnglish definitionadjective(s) lewd.
- Bengali Word লটকEnglish definition(noun) 1 crook; scoundrel; knave. 2 frivoler; rattle-head.
- Bengali Word লটকাEnglish definition(verb transitive), (verb intransitive) hang; dangle. লটকানো (verb transitive) 1 hang; hang up: ফাঁসিতে লটকানো, দেয়ালে ছবি লটকানো. 2 suspend; keep waiting; delay: কাজটা আর কতদিন লটকে রাখবে? 3 post: বিজ্ঞপ্তি/ পোস্টার লটকানো.
- Bengali Word লটকানEnglish definition(noun) kind of fruit-tree.
- Bengali Word লটখট, লটখটিEnglish definition(noun) trouble; bottleneck; hitch; snag; complication. লটখটে (adjective) vexatious; craft ; troublesome.
- Bengali Word লটপট, লটাপটEnglish definitionnoun(s) (onomatopoeia) expressing (a) amorous movement; wallowing in sensual pleasure; (b) flapping loosely. (adjective) 1 flapping loosely; tumbling down. 2 lewd; lascivous; wanton; whorish. লটপটে (adjective) = লটপটানি (noun) 1 lewdness; lechery; lovemaking; promiscuity. 2 flap-ping; dangling; hanging. লটপটানো (verb intransitive) 1 flap; dangle; hang; swing; tumble down. 2 wallow (in sensual pleasures); have a good time; be intimate with.
- Bengali Word লটবহরEnglish definition(noun) accoutrements; luggage; outfit; baggage; impedimenta.
- Bengali Word লটরচটরEnglish definition(noun) pretended hurry; fuss.
- Bengali Word লটরপটরEnglish definition= লটপট
- Bengali Word লটাEnglish definition(noun) 1 lock of hair. 2 kind of sour fruit; Caesalpinia bonducella. 3 kind of sparrow. 4 safflower. (adjective) (feminine) lewd.
- Bengali Word লটারিEnglish definition[English] (noun) lottery.
- Bengali Word লটুয়াEnglish definition(adjective) lustful; lewd.
- Bengali Word লড্ডু, লড্ডুকEnglish definition(noun(s) kind of sweetmeats rolled into balls.
- Bengali Word লণ্ঠনEnglish definition[English] (noun) lantern.
- Bengali Word লণ্ডভণ্ড English definition(adjective) disarrayed; messed up; chaotic; at sixes and sevens; confounded; disrupted. লণ্ডভণ্ড করা (verb transitive) utterly disarray/ disrupt/ confound; upset; throw into disarray/ confusion.
- Bengali Word লতাEnglish definition(noun) 1 creeper. 2 any creeping/ winding plant or twining tendril. লতাকুজ্ঞ, লতাগৃহ, লতামণ্ডল noun(s) creeper-bower; arbour of creepers. লতানে (adjective) creeping . লতানো (verb intransitive) (of a creeper) creep along/ up; stretch/ extend along/ up; (adjective) slender and graceful: লতানো বাহু. লতাপনস (noun) water-melon. লতাপাতা (noun) creepers and herbs. লতাপাশ (noun) snare/ festoon of creeper. লতাপ্রতান (noun) tendril. লতাবিতান (noun) canopy made of creepers. লতায়িত (adjective) grown along the ground/ on supports as a creeper; creeping along up; stretching/ extending along up. লতাবেষ্টন (noun) embrace. লতাবেষ্টিত (adjective) encircled by creepers.
- Bengali Word লতিEnglish definition(noun) 1 lobe of the ear. 2 (botany) sucker: কচুর লতি.