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বর্ণমালা অনুক্রমে শব্দ খুঁজুন

  • Bengali Word বাসি ৩English definition(noun) = বাইশ
  • Bengali Word বাসিত ১English definition(adjective) perfumed; scented.
  • Bengali Word বাসিত ২English definition(adjective) clothed; dressed. বাসিতা (feminine) = বাসিত.
  • Bengali Word বাসিন্দাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) inhabitant; resident.
  • Bengali Word বাসী ১English definition বাসি ১
  • Bengali Word বাসী ২English definition(used as a suffix) inhabiting; dwelling; residing. বাসিনী (feminine) = বাসী ২.
  • Bengali Word বাসুকিEnglish definition(noun) (mythology) the snake-king.
  • Bengali Word বাসুদেবEnglish definition(noun) Sri Krishna.
  • Bengali Word বাসোপযোগীEnglish definition(adjective) habitable; inhabitable; livable.
  • Bengali Word বাস্তবEnglish definition(adjective) 1 true; real, genuine; substantial; actual. 2 (philosophy) real; material; objectives. 3 (mathematics) real. (noun) 1 truth; reality. 2 (physics) objective. বাস্তব তথ্য (noun) facts and figures. বাস্তবতা (noun) reality; substantiality; genuineness; objectivity; factuality; actuality. বাস্তববাদ (noun) realism; objectivism; materialism. বাস্তববাদী (adjective) realistic; objectivistic; materialistic. (noun) realist; objectivist; materialist.
  • Bengali Word বাস্তবায়নEnglish definition(noun) implementation. কার্যে পরিণত করা; বাস্তবায়িত করা (verb transitive) implement
  • Bengali Word বাস্তবিকEnglish definition(adjective) real; true; actual; sure. (adverb) really; indeed. বাস্তবিকতা (noun) reality; genuineness; substantiality; truth. বাস্তবিকপক্ষে (adverb) as a matter of fact; indeed.
  • Bengali Word বাস্তব্যEnglish definition(adjective) habitable; livable. বাস্তব্য বিদ্যা (noun) (biology) ecology.
  • Bengali Word বাস্তুEnglish definition(noun) 1 site or foundation of a house; site; ground. 2 dwelling-place; building; habitation; homestead; house. 3 ancestral homestead. 4 buildings and works. 5 (ironical) person living in a place or a community or being given shelter in a family for a long time; pupil who fails to pass examinations and remains in the same school for a long time; fixture. 6 = বাস্তুক. বাস্তু-কর্ম (noun) house-building; public works. বাস্তুকার (noun) architect; civil engineer. বাস্তু-কৃত্যক (noun) engineering service. বাস্তু-গৃহ (noun) permanent and ancestral home-stead. বাস্তু-ঘুঘু (noun) 1 kind of dove which builds its nest in a homestead and goes about for food all around. 2 (figurative) wicked person taking up his abode with a family and bringing about its ruin; snake in the grass. বাস্তুদেবতা, বাস্তুপুরুষ (noun) deity presiding over a house; guardian/ titular deity of a homestead or family. বাস্তুবিদ্যা (noun) architecture. বাস্তুভিটা (noun) ancestral homestead. বাস্তুযাগ (noun) sacrifice performed before the construction of a house. বাস্তুসংস্থান (noun) provision for dwelling. বাস্তু-সাপ (noun) snake that lives permanently in a homestead and becomes harmless. বাস্তুক (noun) the pot-herb Chenopodium album.
  • Bengali Word বাহকEnglish definition(noun) 1 carrier; bearer; conveyer; porter. 2 charioteer. (adjective) carrying; bearing; conveying.
  • Bengali Word বাহনEnglish definition(noun) 1 any vehicle/ conveyance/ draught-animal; carriage; chariot; horse; elephant; any animal. 2 medium; vehicle: শিক্ষার বাহন. 2 (the act of) carrying; bearing; conveying; drawing. suffix denoting riding/ mounting on: বৃষ বাহন.
  • Bengali Word বাহবা, বাহাEnglish definition(interjection) 1 (expressing surprise) oh. 2 (expresses encouragement) = বাঃ (1). (noun) praise; applause: acclaim: লোকের বাহবার লোভে কাজ করলে চলবে না.
  • Bengali Word বাহাEnglish definition(verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (liter; old style) = বাওয়া ১
  • Bengali Word বাহাত্তরEnglish definition(noun), (adjective) seventy-two . বাহাত্তুরে (adjective) 1 (pejor) aged seventy-two years. 2 senile; very old; dotard. বাহাত্তুরে ধরা (verb intransitive) be in one’s dotage.
  • Bengali Word বাহাদুরEnglish definition[Persian] (adjective) 1 brave; bold; valiant; courageous; high-spirited. 2 skilled; skilful; adroit; adept. (noun) 1 hero. 2 a title equivalent to ‘Honorable’: খান বাহাদুর; রাজা বাহাদুর.
  • Bengali Word বাহাদুরিEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 bravery; heroism; velour. 2 skill; adroitness; credit; praiseworthiness. 3 great feat/ achievement. 4 (derogatory) bravado; swashbuckling. বাহাদুরি করা (verb intransitive) make a display of skill/ bravery; brag; vaunt. বাহাদুরি দেওয়া (verb transitive) give credit; applaud; acclaim; commend. বাহাদুরি দেখানো (verb intransitive) make a show of skill/ courage; swank; swagger. বাহাদুরি কাঠ, বাহাদুরি কাষ্ঠ (noun) hard wood; timber. বাহাদুরি কাঠের আবাদ (noun) arboriculture.
  • Bengali Word বাহানাEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 excuse; pretent; pretense; evasion; contrivance; affectation. 2 insistent and capricious demand. 3 cause; reason. 4 deceit; feint. বাহানা বাজ (adjective) deceitful; pretender; adept in making excuses. বাহানা করা (verb intransitive) make an excuse; pretend; evade; seek an excuse.
  • Bengali Word বাহান্নEnglish definition(noun) (adjective) fifty-two. যাহা বাহান্ন তাহা তিপান্ন (figurative) the difference is too small to merit serious attention; it makes little difference.
  • Bengali Word বাহারEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 beauty; glory; bloom elegance; glamour; flourishing state; beautiful show/ exhibition; ostentatious display. 2 an Indian musical mode. 3 delight; enjoyment. 4 spring. বাহার দেওয়া (verb transitive) decorate/ embellish elegantly or ostentatiously. গুল বাহার (noun) piece of delicately embroidered/ diapered cloth.
  • Bengali Word বাহারিEnglish definition[Persian] (adjective) beautiful; showy; flashy; ostentatious; glamourous; flamboyant; dashing.
  • Bengali Word বাহালEnglish definition বহাল
  • Bengali Word বাহাসEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) disputation; dispute; debate; argument.
  • Bengali Word বাহিকEnglish definition(noun) 1 car/ vehicle drawn by oxen. 2 large drum. (adjective) carrying/drawing.
  • Bengali Word বাহিতEnglish definition(adjective) 1 carried; borne; conveyed; transported. 2 driven; rowed; paddled; propelled; steered.
  • Bengali Word বাহিনী ১English definition(noun) 1 division of an army consisting of 81 elephants, 81 chariots, 243 horses and 405 foot. 2 army; host; body of forces. 3 river.