প পৃষ্ঠা ৬২
- Bengali Word পোতা ২English definition(noun) (dialect) son’s son; grandson.
- Bengali Word পোত্রীEnglish definition(noun) placenta.
- Bengali Word পোদ্দারEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) 1 professional examiner of the genuineness of coins. 2 treasurer; cashier; banker; money-changer; pawn-broker; moneylender. পোদ্দারি (noun) 1 profession of a coin examiner/ treasurer/ money-changer/ pawnbroker/ banker. 2 (derogatory) display of false authority/ power.
- Bengali Word পোনাEnglish definition(noun) young of fish; fry. পোনা মাছ (noun) a fish of the species of rui (রুই), katla (কাতলা) mrigi/ (মৃগেল), etc.
- Bengali Word পোনিEnglish definition[English] (noun). pony; tattoo.
- Bengali Word পোরাEnglish definition(verb transitive), (verb intransitive) 1 fill; load: বোতলে মদ পোরা. 2 stuff; cram: বালিশে তুলা পোরা. 3 thrust in; insert; put in/into: মুখে আঙুল পোরা. 4 confine; put in: জেলে পোরা. 5 be filled with; be swarm with: কৌতূহলী জনতায় রাস্তা পুরেছে. 6 blow/sound (as a wind-instrument); play: বাঁশিতে সুর পোরা. 7 be completed/ accomplished: কাজ পুরেছে. 8 satisfied/ attained/ realized: তার আশা পুরেছে. পকেটে পোরা (verb transitive) pocket. (adjective) filled.
- Bengali Word পোর্টফোলিয়োEnglish definition[English] (noun) portfolio.
- Bengali Word পোর্টম্যানটোEnglish definition[English] (noun). portmanteau.
- Bengali Word পোলEnglish definition[Persian] (noun). bridge; cause-way. পোল সিরাত (noun) according to Muslims; the bridge over which the righteous will pass into paradise.
- Bengali Word পোলাEnglish definition(noun) (dialect) son. পোলাপান (noun) children; kids.
- Bengali Word পোলাওEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) a dish made of rice boiled in soup with spices; pilau.
- Bengali Word পোলো ১English definition[English] (noun) polo.
- Bengali Word পোলো ২English definition= পলো
- Bengali Word পোশEnglish definition[Persian] (adjective) (used as a suffix) wearing; dressed in; covered in: বোরখা পোশ. (noun) covering; clothing: সরপোশ, বালাপোশ, ঘোরপোশ.
- Bengali Word পোশাকEnglish definition[Persian] (noun) dress; garment; clothes; attire; raiment; accoutrement; covering. পোশাক খোলা/পোশাক ছাড়া (verb intransitive) undress (oneself). পোশাক খোলানো/পোশাক ছাড়ানো (verb transitive) undress somebody. পোশাক পরা (verb intransitive) put clothes on; dress; get dressed; dress up. পোশাক-পরা (adjective) dressed. পোশাক পরানো (verb transitive) dress (somebody).
- Bengali Word পোশাকি, পোশাকীEnglish definition(adjective) 1 relating to clothes/ dress; fashionable: পোশাকি কথাবার্তা. 2 elegant or elaborate, to be worn on special occasions; dressy: পোশাকি জামাকাপড়. 3 refined; elegant: পোশাকি ভাষা. 4 merely formal; insincere; hypocritical: পোশাকি ভদ্রতা. খোশ পোশাকি (adjective) dressy; modish; fashionable; foppish.
- Bengali Word পোষ ১English definition(noun) = পউষ
- Bengali Word পোষ ৩English definition(noun) 1 taming; domestication. 2 subdual. পোষ মানা (verb intransitive) 1 become tame/domesticated; be tameable. 2 be subdued/disciplined/broken. 3 (of a horse) be broken. পোষ মানানো (verb transitive) 1 tame; domesticate. 2 bring under one’s control; subdue;, discipline; break in. 3 (of a horse) break. পোষমানা (adjective) 1 tame; domesticated. 2 brought under control; subdued; disciplined; docile; meek; submissive. 3 (of a horse) broken.
- Bengali Word পোষকEnglish definition(adjective) 1 feeding; nourishing; cherishing. 2 supporting; aiding; upholding; abetting. (noun) 1 nourishes; breeder; keeper. 2 supporter; upholder; abettor. পোষকতা (noun) aiding; supporting; support; upholding; abetment; backing; help. পোষকতা করা (verb transitive) aid; help; support; uphold; back; countenance; abet. পোষকস্তর (noun) (botany) tapetum.
- Bengali Word পোষণEnglish definition(noun) 1 upbringing; fostering; nourishing; feeding; cherishing; keeping; nourishment; supporting. 2 maintaining; maintenance; cherishment. পোষণ করা (verb transitive) 1 nourish; foster; bring up; feed, keep; further; promote. 2 maintain; support, uphold: মত পোষণ করা, আশা পোষণ করা.
- Bengali Word পোষণীয়English definition(adjective) পোষ্য
- Bengali Word পোষাEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 bring up. rear; keep; breed; fancy: পাখি. 2 nourish; feed; care for maintain; support: ছেলেমেয়ে পোষা. 3 cherish: মনে আশা পোষা. (adjective) 1 tame; pet; domesticated: পোষা বিড়াল. 2 meek; docile; subservient; obediently following. পোষা কুকুর (noun) 1 pet dog. 2 obedient/ servile follower.
- Bengali Word পোষাকEnglish definition= পোশাক
- Bengali Word পোষানিEnglish definition(noun) 1 money for the maintenance. 2 handing over cattle to others in exchange for milk, etc.
- Bengali Word পোষানোEnglish definition(verb intransitive) 1 be sufficient for; suffice; serve the purpose; do; be adequate: এই অল্প খাবারে এত মানুষের কি পোষাবে? 2 get on/along with somebody; go along with: এমন লোকের সঙ্গে আমার পোষায় না. 3 able to bear/ tolerate; put up with; cope with: এত ঝামেলা তার পোষাবে না. 4 cause to bring up/ rear. 5 compensate for; pay for; make up for; give satisfaction; recompense for; make something good: লোকসান পোষানো. পুষিয়ে নেওয়া (verb intransitive) make do with something; make (something) do.
- Bengali Word পোষিতEnglish definition(adjective) brought up; nourished; fostered; cherished; supported; maintained.
- Bengali Word পোষ্টEnglish definition= পোস্ট
- Bengali Word পোষ্টাEnglish definition= পোষক
- Bengali Word পোষ্টাইEnglish definition(adjective) nutritious; nourishing. (noun) 1 nourishment; nutrition. 2 nutritious food. 3 a diet made by boiling coarse flour in milk.
- Bengali Word পোষ্যEnglish definition(adjective) 1 to be fed/ nourished/ brought up/taken care of/ maintained/ supported. 2 dependent (for maintenance). (noun) dependent. পোষ্যপুত্র (noun) adopted son. পোষ্যবর্গ (noun) (plural) one’s dependents.