প পৃষ্ঠা ৬১
- Bengali Word পৈশুন, পৈশুন্যEnglish definition(noun(s) malice; malignity; tale bearing; backbiting; wickedness. পৈষ্টিক (adjective) made of meal/flour. (noun) quantity of cakes.
- Bengali Word পো ১English definition(noun) (dialect) son; male descendant: তালকদারের পো.
- Bengali Word পো ২English definition= পোয়া
- Bengali Word পোঁEnglish definition(noun) (onomatopoeia) imitating many of the sounds in music; wail. পোঁ করে (adverb) 1 wailing. 2 in a trice/ jiffy; instantly; very quickly. পোঁ দৌড় (noun) running heel for leather. পোঁ ধরা (verb intransitive) fawn/upon; cringe to; dance attendance to; today to. পোঁ-ধরা (adjective) fawning; cringing. পোঁ-পোঁ (noun) swish (of swishly moving canes, sticks, etc). (adjective) very swift. (adverb) very swiftly.
- Bengali Word পোঁচEnglish definition(noun) coating; coat (of paint). পোঁচ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) apply a coating/a coat of paint. পোঁচড়া, পোঁচলা (noun) 1 coating. 2 brush for whitewashing made of jute fibres.
- Bengali Word পোঁছEnglish definition(noun) mopping; wiping; swabbing.
- Bengali Word পোঁছা ১English definition= পুঁছা. পোঁছানো = পুঁছানো
- Bengali Word পোঁছা ২English definition= পুঁছা ২
- Bengali Word পোঁছা ৩English definition(noun) 1 tail of a fish. 2 part of the hand from. the wrist to the finger-tips.
- Bengali Word পোঁটলাEnglish definition(noun) bundle; baggage.
- Bengali Word পোঁটা ১English definition(noun) 1 entails; intestines; gut: মাছের পোঁটা 2 drop of nasal catarrh/mucus; shot.
- Bengali Word পোঁটা ২English definition(noun) little boy; kiddy.
- Bengali Word পোঁতEnglish definition(noun) length of the part of anything buned or implanted underground.
- Bengali Word পোঁতাEnglish definition(verb transitive) 1 plant: গাছ পোঁতা. 2 sow: বীজ পোঁতা. 3 drive in: পেরেক পোঁতা. 4 dig. 5 bury; inter. 6 set; fix sink: খুঁটি পোঁতা. পোঁতানো (verb transitive) cause to plant/sow/fix.
- Bengali Word পোঁতা ১English definition= পুঁতা. পোঁতানো = পুঁতানো
- Bengali Word পোঁতা ২English definition(noun) plinth (of a house).
- Bengali Word পোঁদEnglish definition(noun) 1 (slang) anus. 2 (slang) posteriors; hips; buttocks.
- Bengali Word পোকEnglish definition(noun) (dialect) = পোকা
- Bengali Word পোকাEnglish definition(noun) worm; insect; vermin; moth; beetle. পোকা-ধরা, পোকায়-খাওয়া (adjective(s) worm-eaten ; moth-eaten. পোকা-মাকড় (noun) worms and insects. পোকায় ধরা (verb intransitive) 1 be infested with vermin/worms. 2 (of teeth) be affected with caries; become carious.
- Bengali Word পোক্তEnglish definition(adjective). [Persian] 1 strong; firm; solid. 2 durable; lasting. 3 mature; expert; experienced; accustomed; seasoned. 4 (of wood) seasoned. 5 ripe. 6 well made; matured. পোক্ত করা (verb intransitive) 1 make strong; reinforce. 2 ripen. পোক্ত হওয়া 1 be strong/reinforced. 2 be definite. 3 ripen; mature. পাকাপোক্ত adj. 1 strong; firm. 2 definite; definitive; permanent.
- Bengali Word পোখরাজEnglish definition[Persian] (noun). topaz.
- Bengali Word পোগস্তEnglish definition(adjective) 1 deformed. 2 not full-grown/adult; young. (noun) 1 cripple. 2 a child between the age of five and fifteen.
- Bengali Word পোঙ্গাEnglish definition(noun) 1 hollow bamboo. 2 (slang) anus.
- Bengali Word পোছাEnglish definition(verb intransitive) পুঁছা ২
- Bengali Word পোটEnglish definition(noun) 1 contact; union. 2 agreement; friendly terms; love; affection. পোট খাওয়া (verb intransitive) be on friendly terms (with); concur/agree with somebody; be in love with; get along/on with.
- Bengali Word পোটলাEnglish definition(noun) bundle; packet.
- Bengali Word পোটাEnglish definition(noun) hermaphrodite; woman with a beard.
- Bengali Word পোণাEnglish definition= পোনা
- Bengali Word পোতEnglish definition(noun) boat; ship; vessel. পোত চালানো (verb intransitive) pilot a ship. পোত চালক (noun) captain/pilot of a ship; master of a vessel; steersman. পোত ধ্বংস, পোতভঙ্গ (noun(s) shipwreck. পোত নায়ক = পোতচালক. পোত নিয়ামক (noun) boatman; steersman. পোতাধিপাল, পোতাধ্যক্ষ (noun(s) captain/ master of a ship. পোতারোহী (adjective) sailing in a ship. (noun) passenger of a ship. পোতাশ্রয় (noun) harbour; haven.
- Bengali Word পোতা ১English definition(noun) plinth (of a house).