আ পৃষ্ঠা ২১
- Bengali Word আরাম ২English definition[Persian] (noun) 1 ease; comfort. 2 rest; relaxation. (adjective) cured of /relieved of/recovered from illness. আরাম-কেদারা (Persian + Portuguese), আরাম-কুর্সি [Persian + Arabic] (noun) chair with side support for the arms; arm-chair; easy-chair. আরামপ্রিয় (adjective) ease-loving; fond of ease and comfort.
- Bengali Word আরারুট, এরারুটEnglish definition[English] (noun) starchy food obtained from the roots of a species of plants; arrowroot.
- Bengali Word আরূঢ়English definition(adjective) mounted; seated on (অশ্বারূঢ়).
- Bengali Word আরেEnglish definition(interjection) 1 expressing fear, shame, anger, astonishment, etc: আরে একি! 2 (used in addressing) ho! halloo! oh! eh!
- Bengali Word আরেফিনEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) (plural) (singular আরিফ) spiritualists.
- Bengali Word আরোEnglish definition(conjunction) 1 and: তুমি আর আমি.
- Bengali Word আরোগ্যEnglish definition(noun) 1 cure; recovery from illness. 2 sound health; health. আরোগ্য করা (verb transitive) cure; heal; bring round: আরোগ্য লাভ করা (verb transitive) recover; come round; be cured; be restored to health.
- Bengali Word আরোপ, আরোপণEnglish definition(noun) 1 act of ascribing/ attributing (something). 2 (philosophy) the seeing of (something) as different from the reality; attribution of the quality of one thing to another. 3 act of placing/putting upon; imposition; emplacement. আরোপ করা (verb transitive) ascribe; attribute; impose; implant; bestow. ধনুকে জ্যা আরোপ করা. string the bow. আরোপিত (adjective) attributed; imputed; imposed; placed; planted.
- Bengali Word আরোপ-পত্রEnglish definition(noun) record of offence; charge-sheet.
- Bengali Word আরোহEnglish definition(noun) 1 (philosophy) method of reasoning from particular instances to general principles; induction (opposite অবরোহ). 2 ascent (দুরারোহ). 3 height; altitude. 4 buttock (especially of a woman) (বরারোহ). 5 grade; ladder. আরোহণ (noun)1 ascent; ascension (স্বর্গারোহণ). 2 mounting; climbing; riding (অশ্বারোহণ). আরোহণ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) get up; ascend; mount; climb; ride; board (aship, etc). আরোহণী (noun) stair; stair-case; ladder; lift; escalator. আরোহিত (adjective) mounted upon. আরোহী (adjective) 1 ascended; mounted; boarded. 2 (of musical notes) gradually increasing in pitch. আরোহসুর. 3 (philosophy) using induction; inductive. q(noun) 1 climber; rider; passengers (of train, ship, etc). 2 musical notes which gradually increase in pitch. 3 (philosophy) inductive method. আরোহিণী (feminine) = আরোহ.
- Bengali Word আর্কEnglish definition(adjective) pertaining to the sun; solar. আর্ক ফলা (noun) 1 the symbol of letter র (©) on the head of a consonant indicating a preceding '-r' sound. 2 sun-ray. 3 tuft of hair maintained by conservative Brahmins on the top of the head.
- Bengali Word আর্কিড, অর্কিডEnglish definition[English] (noun) varieties of wild plant having flowers of vivid colours and curious shapes; parasitic plant; orchid.
- Bengali Word আর্জিEnglish definition[Arabic] (noun) 1 formal request for (something); application; petition.
- Bengali Word আর্টEnglish definition[English art] (noun) 1 creation or expression of beauty in the form of literature, painting, sculpture, music, dramatic performance, etc. 2 fine skill or aptitude applied to the work of creative imagination. 3 work of visual arts that appeals to the sense of aesthetic beauty: হস্তলিপি সে যুগে একটা আর্ট হয়ে উঠেছিল.
- Bengali Word আর্ত English definition(adjective) 1 afflicted/distressed/stricken with bodily or mental trouble; aggrieved; oppressed; sick; ill. আর্তি (noun). আর্তত্রাণ (noun) relief of the distressed; saving/succouring the afflicted. আর্তনাদ (noun) scream; groaning; sharp cries of fear or pain; outcry. আর্ত সেবা (noun) relief work. আর্তস্বর (noun) piteous cry; outcry of affliction. আর্তস্বরে (adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.
- Bengali Word আর্তত্রাণEnglish definition(adjective) 1 afflicted/distressed/stricken with bodily or mental trouble; aggrieved;
- Bengali Word আর্তনাদEnglish definition(noun) scream; groaning; sharp cries of fear or pain; outcry. আর্ত সেবা (noun) relief work. আর্তস্বর (noun) piteous cry; outcry of affliction. আর্তস্বরে (adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.
- Bengali Word আর্তবEnglish definition(noun) menstrual discharge; menstruation. (adjective) 1 menstrual: আর্তবব্যাধি. 2 seasonal.
- Bengali Word আর্তসেবাEnglish definition(noun) relief work. আর্তস্বর (noun) piteous cry; outcry of affliction. আর্তস্বরে (adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.
- Bengali Word আর্তস্বরEnglish definition(adverb) in a piteous tone/voice; piteously.
- Bengali Word আর্তিEnglish definition(noun) 1 mental agitation/urge. 2 illness; ailment; disease. 3 pain; trouble; misery.
- Bengali Word আর্থEnglish definition(adjective) 1 financial; pecuniary; monetary.
- Bengali Word আর্থনীতিকEnglish definition(adjective) pertaining to financial policy/economics; economic.
- Bengali Word আর্থিক, আর্থEnglish definition(adjective) 1 financial; pecuniary; monetary. 2 pertaining to private property/ financial position: আর্থিক অবস্থা.
- Bengali Word আর্দালি, আর্দালীEnglish definition(noun) servant in attendance on an officer (or master) to carry his orders
- Bengali Word আর্দ্রEnglish definition(adjective) 1 wet; moist; damp; humid. 2 soft; tender; touched/moved by compassion: দয়ার্দ্র চিত্ত. আর্দ্র কণ্ঠে, আর্দ্রস্বরে (adverb) in a choked voice. আর্দ্রতা (noun) humidity.
- Bengali Word আর্দ্রাEnglish definition(noun) (astronomy) the star Orionis.
- Bengali Word আর্মানিEnglish definition= আরমানি
- Bengali Word আর্মেচারEnglish definition(noun) [English] coil(s) of an electric motor; armature.
- Bengali Word আর্যEnglish definition(noun) the Aryan race; an Aryan. (adjective) 1 venerable; respectable. 2 civilized. আর্যতা (noun) 1 Aryanism; the quality of being an Aryan. 2 civilized conduct. আর্যপুত্র (noun) husband (a form of address by ancient Hindu Women). আর্যসমাজ (noun) a sect of modern Hindus founded by Dayananda Saraswati.